Foreign.(Wei Liu)

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-I have a high fever and I'm just sitting here in agony as I wait till I have to tutor. I don't have time to slack off and it's killing me quite literally lol. Anyway. Enjoy.-

  You stop in the middle of your tracks as you bend down and put the heavy plastic bags on the pavement to catch your breath. You could feel your fingers throbbing from the lack of blood reaching them and your back groaning in dull pains. You were the eldest daughter of your busy family, so it would be your responsibility to make sure that they were nourished and well-fed. Your parents were too busy working, so it suddenly became your job to play the role of the parent.

  Since you didn't want any accidents or trouble along the journey, you had told them to stay put at home while you went to get groceries. This was probably your mistake because there was no way you could lunge them all the way home by yourself.

  Just when you think that life couldn't get even worse than that moment, you feel the plastic bag rip and gasp as the contents begin to spill out. As you bend down to pick it up, you don't notice your leg placement and end up tripping over an old lady. You turn around to apologize but you're bombarded with foreign jabs of insults.

"你在幹什麼!!! (What are you doing?!)" The woman continues to screech in your face as you hang your head in shame. You were on the verge of bursting into tears when a soft hand is placed on your trembling shoulder. You turn your head to see your classmate Wei standing behind you with a composed look.

"她已經對你道歉了,你不用發脾氣。( She already apologized, you don't need to be so angry.)" Smooth Chinese flows out of his mouth and you turn around and bow again as she huffs along on her way.

  As you begin to pick up your remaining groceries, you see a pair of larger hands picking things up too until you both stand up. You avert your gaze in complete shame and embarrassment until he speaks up first.

"Are you alright?" He asks softly and you nod as you swallow your dignity.

He then bends down and lifts up the plastic bags with ease before flicking his chin towards the street.

"I'll help you carry these to your place. They look pretty heavy." He nods and you cannot help but feel guilty but relieved at the same time.

"You don't have to-" you begin but he shakes his head softly before taking long and easy strides.

"It's no trouble. Besides, I don't mind helping you." He smiles a little and you cannot help but smile back.


  You fumble with the keys and finally get the door open before inviting Wei in for a cup of tea. He gratefully accepts and that was another mistake you had made that day. Your siblings all crowd around him giggling and even climbing on him like he was some giant.

"Wow! You have big hands!"

"Sis? Why are you dating a giant?"

"Is he going to be your prince?"

"Sis and Wei sitting in a tree..K-I-S-S-" 

  You quickly cover your younger sister's mouth as you try to calm your flaming cheeks. Wei didn't seem too bothered by it, and surprisingly he got well with kids. After they finally lose interest in Wei, you two had a chance to talk properly and privately. You look down at your mug as you try to think of something to say. As you open your mouth to probably say something lame, he says something first that almost makes you pass out with surprise.

"I wouldn't mind being your prince (Your Name)."


Dear Readers,

I'm sorry to all chinese readers if the chinese is worded wrong. I do learn chinese but please take note that it's not my mother tongue. Anyway, I'm actually about to literally pass out. Good night guys and I hope you enjoyed.



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