Taste of Lust.(Akashi Seijuro LEMON)

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-WARNING! It may contain extreme levels of sourness so please read with caution. //throws oily contract at AbbieVanityCakes-

Since your summer was almost over, Akashi had suggested that you both go on one last memorable trip together before you both had to make yourselves busy with university. Naturally, Akashi had made sure that this trip wasn't cheap. It turns out that you were going on a cruise to his own private island, which would have been ridiculous if it wasn't Akashi.

You wag your feet in the air as you examined the brochure on the soft and fluffy bed. The room was ravishingly furnished, it looked more like a 5 star hotel room that a room on a ship. Just as you wonder how much money he was blowing with this trip, the bathroom door clicks open and Akashi exists with a loose robe around his toned body. He had decided to freshen up before heading down to dinner at the most finest diner on the boat that was available. His hair was a shade of dark red when wet, and you couldn't help but be so grateful that he was YOUR boyfriend.

Akashi catch you looking and his lips curl up in a teasing smirk.

"Like what you see (Your Name)?" He purrs softly as he begins to unravel the robe with his slender fingers curving around the knot delicately.

You were so entranced that you couldn't even answer his question. You felt like you were being held captive under his fiery and lust-filled gaze.

"Have you ever had sex on a boat (Your Name)?" He continues as the robe slowly slide apart from each side, revealing his glistening masterpiece of a body. You could clearly see his triceps bulge as he pulls off the rest of the cloth that was covering his body.

Just then he slowly lowers himself on top of you; trailing one hand up and down your thighs while using the other to pull off your shirt. His actions were so fluid and graceful, he really did live up to his name of being the perfectionist. Before you even realize, you were bare and vulnerable before his eyes. You watch as his eyes analyze every inch of your flesh. You could almost feel the lascivious atmosphere intensify.

You knew that Akashi wouldn't go forth without teasing you. Maybe it was because he enjoyed the dominance, he would never proceed without foreplay. He attacked your lips first, devouring them with his hungrily, like a hungry lion annihilating it's prey. His kisses alone, could leave you yearning for more. His lips the trail down inch by inch, crossing your collarbone and dipping his hungry tongue along your breasts. He fondles them gently, while letting his tongue do the work. You shudder as your back arches on it's own free will, allowing yourself to be indulged by your emperor.

His soft lips begin gravitating downwards, drawing nearer and nearer to your forbidden domain. As they reach his desired destination, you could feel his steamy breath on you, making you shiver. You jolt upright and let out a voluptuous moan as his tongue begins to perform. You could feel him with all your senses. The way his tongue swirled around your bundle of nerves set your emotions churning and your whole body on fire. His pace resembled the waves of the sea. He would begin slowly and then intensify while savoring the power to dissemble you a little at a time. It wasn't just the sense of touch that was making you blush, the sounds that resonated from his lips were more lucid and risqué.

You would have let this go on forever, but everything has an end. You feel yours when your womb contracts and begins to feel like a balloon that was ready to burst. You tried your best to hold it, because coming in Akashi's mouth seemed bizarre and unheard of. However, it seemed like Akashi had already sensed you tense up. His tongue begins to dance at a faster pace, teasing you to release. Before you could do anything at all, you feel your own release spurt out as mewls of ecstasy escaped your agape mouth. You hear the loud gulp as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, licking his lips as he stared down at you.

"You're delicious (Your Name)." He hums knowingly.


I decided to cut this lemon right there without any -holds up donut and finger- action, because I wanted to focus on the "beauty" of him eating you out LOL. It would taint and ruin the build up if I included anything else, making it too long and boring, or just too much.

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