Your Worth.(Akashi Seijuro)

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-Enjoy! Contains sexual content!-
Love was something that you believed in since you were young. All those fairy tales about princes and princesses gave you the impression that it was something amazingly easy to find and obtain. But as you grew older, you were exposed to the cruel world around you. The idea of love was the least of your worries. Followed by your parents breaking apart, your hopes and dreams did too.

Ever since then, your life shifted to a more dark and miserable state. Your mother would go out drinking all night, leaving your little brother in your care. You would be surprised if she came home sober at least once. As a high school student, schoolwork was piling up, but you had no choice but to get a job. Now this wasn't just any harmless job, you needed an occupation that would earn you big bucks over a short period of time.

So you had no choice but to let your dignity slip through your fingers as you stepped into the sexual world of prostitution.

The words engraved on your desk hardly affected you anymore. In a sense, they were true. You were in school for the sake of your future and nothing more. The trivial matters of popularity and ego meant nothing to do. Neither did your friendships. You had no-one around you but yourself and you were fine with that, despite the lingering emptiness inside you.

  Sex was supposed to be something intimate between lovers. This was definitely not the case for you. Everything you engaged in was fake. Sex. Foreplay. Orgasms. Pleasure. Moans. Everything. Sometimes you had to please clients with the most bizarre fetishes. Unfortunately, today was one of those days.

"Do you like" He gasps as he digs a burning cigarette into your neck. 

You stifle a cry of pain and let out a manipulated moan instead. You would never have let him do such things to your body, but he offered double the price of one session and you desperately needed it as the bills were pouring in.

"Here," He tosses a wad of notes at you; which rains down on your battered body. "Now get out."

  You gather up your belongings and barely have enough time to scramble on your uniform as he shoves you out the door. You were a complete mess. You hiss in pain as the burns on your neck react to the rough treatment. Your face was scratched and bruised up too.  You lean heavily against the wall as you were on the verge of collapse. At that moment, the door next to the one you just came out from opens and a familiar face emerges from the agape door.

"A-Akashi?" You stutter in horror as his dual-colored eyes dart to meet yours while they analyze the state you were in.

  He does not exchange a word, but he clicks his tongue softly  as he pulls out a handkerchief from his pocket before handing it to you. You accept it shakily before he walks forward with a man in a suit behind him; presumably his butler.

"W-wait! I'm sorry you think you could drive me to school? It's fine if you can't! I-I just-" you clasp the handkerchief as you lower your head in shame. You didn't expect him to allow a low and dirty person like you to ride in his car, but it was worth a try.

But your eyes widen as he turns to extend a hand towards you with a gentle smile.

"Of course (Your Name)."

  You quickly fix your uniform so you look more presentable for classes. But there was no way you could hide the bruises, cuts and burns. You heave a little sigh as you glance up to see the red-haired man staring at you intently. You wanted to ask why he was doing so, but you also contain the urge to remain as silent as possible.

"Thank you." You whisper as you both walk down the corridors of the school hall to get to class.

He gives you a soft nod before disappearing into his classroom.


"Why do you keep returning to him?" A loud voice echoes around you and you look up to see Akashi standing above you.

  You were back on that same exact floor the next morning, but this time, you were unable to move.

"I need the money. Then again, you're a pampered prince so you wouldn't understand." You turn your head and spit the coagulated blood from your mouth in distaste.

  He extends his hand once more and you take it as he pulls you up. You let out a small cry as the sharp pain in your torso suddenly comes unbearable. As you stumble, his arm wraps around your waist protectively as he holds you steady.

"Then (Your Name). Will you let me buy you?" He tilts your chin up as he looks into your tired eyes.

"Hah?" You breathe. "How much do you think I'm worth?" You chuckle with dry humor as you attempt to pull away from him.

"More than I can possibly afford."

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