Mine.(Midorima Shintaro)

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"(Your Name)-chan!"

"(Your Name)!! What's up! You're looking cute today!"

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"(Your Name)!! What's up! You're looking cute today!"

"Good morning (Your Name)-san! I got you some coffee!"

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"Good morning (Your Name)-san! I got you some coffee!"

    Midorima heaves a great sigh as you both walk down the hallways to get to your class

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    Midorima heaves a great sigh as you both walk down the hallways to get to your class. Even though you made your relationship public already, you were still extremely popular with the boys. Sometimes, they reminded Midorima of a flock of vultures, waiting to steal something away when they got the chance. Of course, you were pretty oblivious to this fact, because you would never understand the things that ran through mens' minds. Through the corner of his eye, he could see you greeting them back with a warm smile, and his heart clutches itself in jealousy. He didn't want any other man to see your beautiful smile, he wanted to keep it all to himself.

"Tch. You're so damn flirtatious all the time." he commented harshly.

  Your waving hand stopped in mid-air as his words reach your ears, and you turn to him with a malicious glare.

"Flirtatious? Are you forgetting that you're dating me?" you grumbled dangerously.

"Took the question out of my mouth, (Your Name)." he shot back.

"What are you talking about? Are you saying that I can't even socialise with other men because I'm dating you? And I thought you trusted me too." you murmured before shaking your head in disappointment.

"Y-you know that's not what I-" he began.

"I know exactly what you mean."

  You give him a hurt look before turning your head to walk ahead without him. Midorima stood dumbfounded as he watched your back until it was no longer visible. His mind was a mess as he tried to figure out what had just happened. He acknowledged the fact that he may have overstepped the boundaries this time with you. He felt his head pounding as he realises that he took his own insecurities out on his lover. After all, it wasn't your fault that he couldn't express his true feelings.

"U-um! (Your Name)-san!"

  Midorima's footsteps skid to a stop as he overheard your name being called from the other side of the corner he was hiding in

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  Midorima's footsteps skid to a stop as he overheard your name being called from the other side of the corner he was hiding in. He pressed his back against the wall as he perked up his ears to eavesdrop.

"Hey there, (Your Classmate's Name). Do you need anything?" you chirped.

"I-I just wanted to say that you look beautiful." the boy stammered.

"W-well thank you for your kind words."

Midorima pressed his teeth down on the flesh of his cheek as he resisted the urge to bolt over there and make a scene. But he knew how much you would hate that, so he forced himself to remain painfully silent.

"What I'm trying to say here is that I really like you, (Your Name)-san."

  The confession threw Midorima off and his fists automatically clench over his fingers. But he was genuinely curious as to how you would react, so he decided to stay quiet for a little while longer.

"You know very well that I'm seeing Shintaro right now. I've already given my answer to your confession, and I'm sorry to say that my decision will not change." you sighed.

  Your words seemed to trigger Midorima's legs to move on their own accord. He quickly makes his way over to you, not caring the slightest about the boy he just brushed past. At that moment, his eyes were on you and saw only you. He reached out his hand and gently brushes your cheek with his long and slender fingers before leaning down to peck you on the cheek discreetly. Even if it was for a short moment, his lips felt warm and tasted as sweet as any other lip lock. It was a huge step up for him, because he wasn't the type to display such affection towards you, especially when somebody was watching.

  You both hear the pitter patter of shoes fading away and turn around just in time to see the boy dashing away with his head bowed down in shame.

"Shintaro...you made him upset." you breathed out in exasperation.

"Good. He needs to know when to stop. I'm sick of watching him look at you like that, as if you were his."

"Hey! I don't belong to anybody, thank you very much." you teased as you knock foreheads with him playfully.

"Wrong. You are mine...and mine only."

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