Don't Forget Me.(Midorima Shintaro)

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-Enjoy! I just published without proofreading so please excuse the grammar!-

  Midorima Shintaro was a man who didn't smile often. Well, at least that's what you've noticed about him throughout the school year. Time had flown by so quickly, that you barely even noticed that Midorima would have to graduate soon. You had secretly adored him from a safe distance, but you believed that it was time to confess all your passionate feelings that you had locked up for years.

  It wasn't like you weren't close at all. In fact, you had grown so fond of him that you would not know what to do after he graduated. It was on one of those days where you both walked home together. Since you lived practically across from each other, this brief encounter after school was somewhat inevitable.

"Did you take your entrance exams?" You asked with a hint of hesitation.

"Yes. They went fine." He answered shortly after a brief pause of silence.

"I-I see. That's great! So you'll be leaving soon...won't you miss playing basketball with your team?"

"Just a little."

  It was a harmless answer to a harmless question, but you detected the slight pain in his voice.

"Midorima..I-" You inhaled a soft breath as the words of a confession threatened to tumble out of your lips.

"There's just another thing I will miss when I leave. She's something that I could possibly miss more than my memories of playing basketball at Shutoku." He murmured; his voice suddenly several hundred degrees softer.

"Oh! S-she must be a lucky girl." Your words sounded painfully forced.

  You brushed aside the stabbing affliction in your heart before looking up with an artificial smile. However, your plan to stay calm completely backfired on you as the hopeless tears started spilling over your cheeks in a steady stream. Midorima said nothing as he lifted his hand towards the delicate curve of your cheek. His long fingers cut through the cascade of your teardrops.

"Why are you crying you idiot? How long will it take you to realize that it's you?" He whispered.

  Before you could even react to his unexpected sweet declaration of love, he pulled your face in closer. His other hand was wrapped around your waist protectively as his subtle lips covered your own. A comforting breeze brushed past your twinned bodies and your eyes finally fluttered shut. You remained immersed in the sensations of his lips for what seemed like an eternity before it finally broke off.

"Don't forget me while I'm gone." His voice wavered a little despite the commanding words that slipped out of his lips.


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