Mine.(Yandere!Himuro x Reader)

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-Keep in mind that this is probably an OOC Himuro. However, I can see him being pretty possessive since he can be quite competitive in games, like I don't know how many scary faces he made during the game against Seirin bruh LOL. Here is a video to awaken your sexual feelings for Himuro. Your welcome. I have to say Himuro sits on one of the top of my favorite characters in KnB.-

  Himuro was an amazing boyfriend. He took good care of you and knew ways to make you very happy. He was a popular guy. Every girl that walks down the streets would always look back longing for his attention. However, his attention would always be on you as he held on to your hands tightly.

  It was a totally different story after the new student joined Yosen. He had bright red demon-like hair and was really really well built. You thought he looked scarily cool when you catch Himuro glaring at this man. 

"Well well Taiga...what a surprise to see you here." His tone totally contradicted the nice words he had just uttered, it sounded like he was hissing with a hint of coldness to his voice.

"You don't seemed surprised at all. Keeping the usual poker face?" The red-haired man answered back, he seemed to have his guard up as well.

"I ain't keeping a poker face. It's just my nature." Himuro smirks back.

  Just as these two take a step towards each other, you instantly intercept them without thinking and place a protective hand on Himuro's chest as you wrap your arm around his. You sort of hide behind Himuro's shoulder as you peer at this man curiously.

'Who's she?" He gruffs as he nods towards you.

"She's my girlfriend. (Your Name). Meet Kagami Taiga. We met in the States when I studied there." He introduces and you nod as he extends a hand for you to shake.

"N-Nice to meet you.." You begin to extend your hand too, then Himuro stops you just as quickly as you reacted, grabbing your hand roughly in his.

"I'd appreciate it if you stay away from her." He declares and begins to exit the room with you along with him.

"Himuro..what's going on?!" You cannot help but raise your voice as his usual kind demeanor dissembled into something you weren't used to seeing.

He says nothing as he continues to tug at your arm painfully.

"H-hey..you're hurting my arm!" You use all your strength to pry his fingers off your wrist and rub them slowly.

At that moment, Himuro pushes you up against a wall and traps you in with his hands. He draws really close, his face flecked with anger.

'Don't go near him. Don't even look at him. Just stay away from him because you're mine!" He mutters to you and you instantly relax a little.

"Is that what this is about?" You ask softly as you search his eyes.

"You're the one thing that I cannot lose for. He can take away everything else and surpass me at everything, but he can't have you..he just can't.." Himuro's voice weakens and his eyes show so much pain that you cannot seem to look at him without bursting into tears yourself.

You cup his cheek gently with your hand and stroke his cheek softly, going over the small signature mole as you draw your lips to it; kissing his cheek.

"Himuro...why do you think everything you love will leave you? I don't have the slightest interest in Taiga, I only have my eyes on you because you are the one I love, not him." you whisper and you feel his shoulders relax.

"I'm sorry (Your Name)..I don't know what has gotten into me.." he begins to apologize but you stop him with a lingering kiss to his soft lips.

"It's okay. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I cannot handle some of that "yandere" in you." You laugh softly as he leans in this time. 

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