Conflicts.(Himuro Tatsuya)

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  You were at the Winter Cup with Himuro as you two and the team decided to stay and watch the teams play to gain some insight and knowledge on their opponents that they would one day face once again. Through the heat of the game, you don't even notice that Himuro was no longer beside you and you turn around to look for him to kind him no where to be seen. Somehow, you had a bad feeling about it.

"Hey Atsushi-kun, have you seen Tastuya?" You ask nervously as Murasakibara silently chews his chips whilst concentrating on the game going on for once.

"Eh? I think I saw him head out back.." He points lazily and you thank him and go in the direction he had pointed to.

Just as you make it out, you notice a pair of feet on the ground with the colors distinct of Yosen's basketball jersey uniform. Your heart crawls to your throat and you see Himuro on the ground while a dark figure was looming over him like a scary murderer or something. Before you even think, you throw yourself at Himuro as the man throws another punch that was in motion for your face.

  Everything goes in slow motion, until Himuro yells out a warning while watching his fist connect with the side of your face. You go sprawling on the ground too, as you feel blood beginning to pool from your burst lip.

"(Your Name)!!" Alex calls out to you but the guy with the cornrows grabs her up by the neck as she tries to approach you.

"(Your Name)!! Are you okay? Oh my god." Himuro scrambles to you as he tilts your chin to examine the huge bruise beginning to form around the corner of your mouth and your high cheekbones. You wince a little and watch Himuro's face contort with anger and he looked like a completely new person. Just as he was about to fire himself at the smirking man, you hold him back and restrain him.

"S-stop. It's not worth your time." You cry out hoping that your words would reach him. His body shakes as his mind tries to calm him down, and finally his shoulders relax and he begins to stand while helping you up too. You cradle the side of your cheek painfully but don't cry out and glare at him.

"Put Alex down." You snarl with menace in your voice and you make out the face in the darkness. It was Haizaki from Teiko. He immediately drops Alex and approaches you with a sadistic grin.

"and...if I don't?" He snarls as he extends his hand to lay on you.

  You quickly dodge in double quick time and high kick him straight into the balls with all your strength and watch as he falls to his knees in pain while he clutches his pants.

"I'll fucking destroy you. Don't come near any of us. If you hate basketball so much, why don't you just quit and save us all the trouble of dealing with your sorry ass." You hiss and begin to walk away, rolling your tongue along the insides of your sore cheek in the process.

Himuro catches up to you and he seems to be speechless at what you had just done. 

"Are you okay? (Your Name)?" He stops you softly by holding your hand and pulling you to face him.

"Yeah..just a little sore." You smile despite it hurting, but you wanted to reassure him that it was nothing at all.

"You didn't have to do that for me. If something serious would have happened, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself." He says softly as he looks down with guilt pooling in his eyes.

"Hey...I handled it...This is why I take boxing classes..Baka." You reach up and stroke his beat up and scratched up face with a big grin and it seems your positivity leeched on to him as he gives you a small smile.

  He then wraps you in his signature warm embrace and holds on to you for a while as the crickets resound with the song of nature's lullabies. When you finally break away, he leans in and gives you a long sweet kiss as he cups your face protectively with hi long slender fingers. His bangs tickled you a little and you couldn't help but giggle between kisses.

"I love you (Your Name)."


Dear Readers,

So yeah, I made reader-chan super bad ass because why not. Sometimes, girls can beat ass too. Huehuehue. Hope you enjoyed! I'll be staying up for like an hour after I publish this, so if you guys want to talk or something on Skype, I'm down! I would love to have a conversation with you all too so~ Feel free! 

Well stay awesome and stay tuned for the next update! Thank you for requesting!



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