Listen To Me.(Midorima Shintaro)

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-Sorry for the delay! I had to study for my math test tomorrow, so this update is a little bite late. Anyway, enjoy! MIDORIMA WITHOUT GLASSES BE LIKE -pants fall down- LMAO-

"Ahh..(Your Name). You're here again?" Midorima sighs as he spots you sitting on one of the blue hospital chairs.

"Yeah...I passed out in PE class again." You shrug nonchalantly as you point at the scratches on your face from landing on the rough ground.

"I thought I told you that you can't have PE classes anymore. All that activity isn't good for you..nanodayo." He scolds as he hitches up his glasses in with an irritated frown.

"I couldn't help it! I love basketball! I could never turn down a class just because of this silly blood disease thing." This time it's your turn to sigh.

"Aplastic Anemia. That's what you have and it's pretty serious. So don't ignore my orders alright? I'm a doctor and I know what's good for you." He insists before his beeper begins to go off like usual.

  You watch his back as he breaks into a jog. As he disappears around the corner, you cannot help but feel guilty for not telling him the truth. He had told you to tell him if you felt anything strange or painful in your body, but you hadn't told him about the increasing number of nosebleeds that you were getting. You weren't dumb, you knew that it was pretty serious, but the fact that everyone thought you were getting better made you a little delusional too. You just wished that you really were getting better like everyone presumed. You shake off the depressing thoughts as you see your parents coming to pick you up to go home. You should have known that it wouldn't be long before you were back again, but this time, for a far more serious problem.

"What happened?!" Midorima couldn't help but exclaim as he rushed into the emergency room where you lay pale and unconscious.

"We-we don't know exactly what happened..but we found her collapsed on the floor of her room. Please doctor! Please don't let her die!" Your parents plead and Midorima's heart clenches as he glances at your unresponsive face.

"I'll try my very best." He nods firmly before the nurses escort them out of the room for him to work in a more calm atmosphere.

  As Midorima sets up the blood transfusion details, the doctors and nurses all inform him that the (Your Blood Type)-type blood was running low on stocks.  It would probably be a while until someone donated, and you didn't have that luxury of waiting. Your life was slowly fading away by the moment, and Midorima couldn't do anything but watch without blood. At that moment, he remembers that his blood type was the same as yours and immediately asks for the preparations for a blood transfusion.

  Your consciousness finally returns halfway through the transfusion. It turns out your blood has a dangerously low red blood cell concentration from all the nosebleeds and excess blood loss you caused by getting injuries from playing basketball. You begin to panic and thrash around as the shock sets in, but a strong hand grips around your arm to hold you steady and you turn around to see Midorima's eyes piercing yours with a deep urgency.

"Don't move (Your Name). You're fine. You're going to be okay. You're just getting transfusion right now. From me. So I need you to calm down and stay very still okay?" His assertive and smooth voice calms you down immediately and you begin to question what had happened.

"You didn't listen to me..that's what happened." He sighs and you cannot help but feel guilty as you hang your head in shame. You were putting people into trouble again, and you hated yourself for it.

  Midorima catches your emotions on your face and places his hand on your shoulder comfortingly. He rarely was nice, and this was one of those times that made you feel something that ran deeper for him. You just wondered if you were of same importance to him as he was to you. Maybe he was just being nice because you were his patient.

"Everything's going to be fine. I'm your doctor (Your Name). I'll always be by your side."

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