They Catch You Staring At Them.(GoM)

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-It's been a while since I wrote a 'What If' chapter!  I linked a song that I was listening to while writing this, it's from one of my favourite animes too. I highly recommend Angel Beats. You don't have to listen to it, but I just wanted to add it in case you guys want to know what kind of songs I listen to while I write LOL. Enjoy!-


  You almost choke on your milkshake as your eyes crash upon his. Your cheeks flare automatically and you are visibly flustered. However, Kuroko keeps his gaze and doesn't look away. The reason behind this is because he's not sure if you're just staring into space or actually looking at him. After all, he has a very low presence. He gives you a cute nod and a small smile erupts on his face as you react to his gesture with a flustered wave. The creamy treat in your cup almost gets stuck in your throat again as he approaches you with his tray. He tilts his head, and his sky blue hair tumbles to the side.

"Do you mind if I sit here?"


  Maybe it's because you are standing right in front of a famous model, but you can't seem to pay any attention to your job. You glance at him secretly over the course of making his drink, and your staring doesn't stop there. You look up occasionally to see him gazing out the window with both his hands on the warm drink you brewed. Kise's been sitting at the window seat at the cafe for a while, and your co-workers constantly nag at you to get back to work. He literally stole your heart away in a glance, and being a big fan of his work had nothing to do with it at all. At least, that's what you say to convince yourself. As you let out a dejected sigh before resolving that he'd probably never notice a plain girl like you, his blond head swivels around and your eyes meet unexpectedly. A bright smile erupts on his face and he waves you over cutely.

"Thanks for the drink. It was delicious."


  Aomine is in the process of messing around when Imayoshi nudges his shoulder to grab his attention. He whispers something about a girl and Aomine's sharp eyes locate you. Whenever it comes down to anything related to the opposite sex, he's the first to notice. But apparently, Imayoshi notices first and he teases him about how you've been staring at him ever since he got here. It's busy restaurant, but his attention never leaves you as he thinks about how cute you look in that waitress uniform. When he looks up again to intentionally lock eyes with you, he gives you a seductive wink before smirking. He almost laughs in amusement when you look away, flustered. As he leaves with the other members of the basketball team, he slips you a napkin with his number scrawled on it with the messiest handwriting you've ever seen.

"Call me."


  The smell of cheap office coffee wafts into your nose as you heave another sigh. It's been a very long day at work today, yet you still have a meeting to attend. The executive manager of the company stated that the big boss was visiting today, and that it was very important for all of you to be there. You adjust your uncomfortable skirt before taking another deep breath in, then you follow the crowd of other employees into the announcement hall. Your tiredness quickly ebbs away as your eyes feast upon an extremely good-looking man. He looks poised and elegant, totally high class. His suit compliments every feature, and he gives off a very "clean cut" aura. Other girls around you whisper excitedly amongst each other about how hot he is, and even if you stay silent, you have to agree with what they are saying. When you look up from your notepad, you almost drop your pen as he holds your gaze so that it lingers longer than normal. His dignified smile causes everything in your mind to burn away, and you swallow and pinch yourself to convince yourself that it's actually happening.

"(Your Name), do you have any questions?"


  You're usually very productive in the library. Ever since you got into college, you have work that piles up. But today, you cannot seem to concentrate. You've heard about the new transfer student from Japan, but to meet him like this, it's beyond unexpected for you. Maybe it's also just your luck, but the library is extra full today, so they suggest that you two sit at the same table. He didn't seem too bothered by it, but your small anxious glances at him don't go unnoticed. The green-haired man tries to ignore it, but soon it gets even more sweltering. He's never used to girls paying attention to him. In fact, he's usually very unfriendly towards the opposite sex, mainly because they tend to annoy him more frequently than not. It gets to a point where he can't stand it anymore. But when your eyes meet, the harsh words that he planned to say stays locked up behind his lips. Instead a mad blush rises on both of your faces, and you look away bashfully. He hitches his glasses up shakily and coughs.

"W-what's your deal, nandayo."


  The metro station is as crowded as ever, but you manage to grab a seat as you wait for the bullet train. It just hit rush hour, so it'll probably be a while till you finally get on the train. Your muscles ache from standing all day at work. You work part-time at a fast food restaurant, and some bizarre red head customer ordered 50 burgers. You had to spend more time after that making more, and you are exhausted by the time your shift ends. When you grumble to yourself in your mind, you see someone stand beside you, and your eyes automatically fixate on his awkwardly. You want to look away, but in the whim of it all, you end up staring into his eyes for quite some time. He remains expressionless though, as he's busy chewing on what looks like a pocky stick. His eyes droop down sleepily and he lets out a huge yawn before glancing at you again, as if he's expecting you to say something. But when you don't, he sighs as he pulls out one pocky stick and hands it to you carefully between his long fingers.

"Fine, you can only have one though."

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