A Year of Me. (Aomine Daiki)

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-So this is actually a topic that hits home with me right now. I really hope that I portrayed it right and well for you guys to enjoy! Also, today is New Year's Eve for me, so I'll take this time to wish you all a wonderful start to 2k17.-

  The rooftop of the school is your domain. Well, it was originally Aomine's hideout. He's frequently skipping class and practice, and nobody has really tried to set him straight before. As his girlfriend, you don't even bother either. You know him almost too well, and any sort of advice you give him enters his ear as nagging and leaves his other ear as irrelevance. Unlike him, you're somewhat sensible. Your grades are decent and you stay out of as much trouble as you can. However, as your sophomore year of high school quickly draws to an end, you start to worry about your final year.

"What are you going to do about university?" You bring up the question rather suddenly as you wave off the smoke from Aomine's cigarette.

  The blue-haired man exhales slowly before extinguishing his blunt by digging it into the ground thoughtfully. His jaw clenches up and you know that you hit a nerve. You give him time to process your words, and when he finally opens his mouth to talk, your heart sinks immediately.

"Who said anything about university?" he scoffs as he pulls out a pack of gum to mask the scent of the musky cigarettes he's been inhaling.

"Then...what are you going to do with your life?" you whisper softly as your fists clench up. You worry for this boy in front of you.

  Aomine leans back and extends his arms above his head as he rests them behind his head as support. He squints up at the blaring sun for a few minutes  before shutting them entirely. He's always been like that. Anything troublesome comes up and he shuts it out almost blindly. The warm breeze caresses your cheek, it's reassuring you and it manages to put your hanging heart at ease. You hate that you have to worry about someone other than yourself. You're not used to doing so, as you've been single for a majority of your life. Especially with a bad boy, the worrying seems to be doubled. Yet you loved Aomine from the bottom of your heart, you only want the best of him. As time passes by, you hear the school bell ring in a distance.

"Don't you have (Your Desired Class Name) next?" he mentions purposely as he flicks at you to leave with his finger. "You shouldn't skip class."

"Oh, like you can lecture ME about skipping classes." you retort back with a sarcastic tone. " Now that you've said that, I'm going to stay up here with you."

"Ah, as defiant as ever. I frickin' love that about you." he hums with a low chuckle and your heart feels like it's being flooded with warmth. "Say, (Your Name). Why don't you just run away with me?"

"Aha. Unlike you, I've already been recommended to attend (Your Desired Top University Name) next year. I don't intend to drop out, Daiki."

"Aw, I promise that I'll take care of you." he coos with a conspicuous smirk before getting up to draw closer to you. "So what do you say, we can leave and never look back."

  His large palms cup your face gently, yet rough enough for you to feel it. His deep orbs stare into yours as he appears so serious. It's unlike him to pull such a stoic face, you can't help but be surprised and a little taken aback. Then everything hits you all at once. The reality of the fact that you only have a year left before you both have to proceed into different worlds. Would your love stay the same, would it be erased completely? You don't even want to think about it right now. Even the thought of it brings an overwhelming wave of sadness over you.

"Why are you pulling that face again?" He interrupts your train of thoughts by pulling at your cheeks. "You have a year of me, it's not like I'm going to die. Besides, you're the one that keeps refusing my offer."

"Please don't pin this on me, don't make it about me choosing university over you."

"I never said anything of that sort. I'm proud of you and I only want the best for you, y'know this already. Yet with that, it doesn't make the fact that you're leaving any easier on me." he hums against your neck as he brings you closer into his body.

"I don't want to lose you either, but we have to let each other go eventually." your voice wavers dangerously at the word 'go'.

"If I let you go tomorrow, will you come back to me one day?" he breathes out a heavy sigh.


"Good, because if your answer was a 'no', I would never let you leave me like you're planning to."


Salute Cadets! *forces a smile*

  I'm sure those who are close to graduating  will understand how hard it is to realise that university and shit will end up fucking your relationship over. If you have a relationship at this stage in your life, it's pretty hard to deal with it. I have lots of thoughts about it too. Since it's been occupying my mind for quite some time, I dedicated a oneshot to one of many problems that I'm facing right now. I've just had a terrible break-up, so I might not be writing very well or often. I'm okay, you guys don't have to worry about me or anything. Maybe I'll explain the whole situation in more detail in my personal book. Anyway, I'm sorry if the quality is not up to par. I'll be working on getting more quality content out soon enough. Thank you guys for reading and I hope you guys have a wonderful day or night wherever you are.



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