Bundle of Joy.(Akashi Seijuro)

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-Kind of feely, but in a good way. Enjoy!-

    Akashi Seijuro was a very difficult man to understand. It wasn't because of his usual demeanor in which he liked to come out on top of everything, but it was more about the fact that he had so much of himself hidden from the rest of the world. Everyone misunderstands his intentions and classifies him as a cold and heartless monster, which was not true at all. Of course, that was your first impression of him too, it was only just human to judge one another by the side which is revealed to everyone. However, as you grew closer to him, you found out things about him that no-one else knew about. You were the only one for Akashi, and it was the same for Akashi.

  If he was the monster that everyone says he is, how was he able to be so genuinely happy when he heard you were pregnant with his baby? How can a monster smile so brightly and show such happiness? You still remember when he lifted you up in the air whilst laughing. It was the first time you had seen him laugh, and it made you feel like it was the best day of you life.

  One evening, you turn in your bed and run your hand over the other side of the mattress which was unusually empty. Akashi wasn't in bed with you, and you slowly made your way out of bed to go and find him. As you pad along the large mansion in search of your beloved one, you finally find him leaning against the balcony, staring up at the sky as if he was thinking deeply about something.

"What are you doing out of bed Sei?" You call out the name only you were allowed to call him  and he turns around and gives you a small relaxing smile.

"Just thinking my love, come." He extends his arms and wraps you in a long and comforting hug, it would have been more comforting if it wasn't for your swollen stomach that was in the way.

"What are you thinking so deeply about?" You ask softly as you lean against his neck.

"About me being a father. My father was never the one to show affection. He trained me strictly as if I were some type of dog. I was to excel and be at the top before everyone else, and if I failed to do so, I was a disappointment. I followed and obeyed him until I finally realized what a monster I was becoming. So I was thinking about how I wasn't going to be like him. I'm going to raise our son right, so he can excel in his abilities and also so he can be happy." He murmurs into your hair and you can't help but hug him closer.

When you finally break apart, he runs his hand along your stomach lovingly before bringing his hand up to your cheek; brushing the apple of your cheek delicately before leaning in to kiss you.

"I'm confident that you'll be a great father Sei..." You whisper as he leans his forehead against yours gently knocking them together.


  It was snowing that day. You were awoken by a sudden sharp pain to your stomach, followed by a stream of water gushing down your legs. You were panicking of course, but Akashi reassured you and was able to stay calm in your stead. He had ordered his maids and butlers to arrange a room and to call the midwife immediately. You both had decided that you weren't going to go to a hospital for the birth of your child, and instead, he was to be born right there in that mansion.

  It took hours of agony for your body to finally welcome your pride and joy into the world. By the time his strangling cries echoed into the room, you were exhausted and had to lean heavily against your lover that was holding on to your hand tightly from the previous efforts of supporting you through the pain. Judging by the baby's ability to scream so loudly, he was going to be a very strong one when he grows up. The midwife cleans your son and wraps him in a small blue bundle before setting him down into your arms. You notice his hair first, which was a bright red that would stand out amongst anyone else. He was just like his father. You look up at Akashi to find his eyes filled with tears, it wasn't the first time he cried, but you knew it was rare of him to do so in front of his whole house.

  He reaches out his hand and strokes his son's tiny face, examining his every little detail. At that moment, your baby reaches out and grabs on to Akashi's finger tightly.

"Welcome to the Akashi family...(Your Son's Name)." Akashi whispers as he wraps his free arm around your shoulders, bringing the three of you as close to him as possible.

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