Murasakibara Atsushi (The Christmas Present)

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  You were never one to wake up early in the mornings. The fact that it was Christmas morning didn't change the fact that you would never be able to get up to carry out the tradition of opening the presents in broad daylight. But this wasn't going to be a huge issue because there was someone else in this household that could potentially love sleep more than you, and that was your husband.

  You woke up to the soft snores coming from the man of your life. His long arms were wrapped around your body tightly, and you knew that you cannot escape his death grip without having to wake him up. You quickly looked at the clock on the nightstand to see that it was already lunch time. The sun had been up long before you were you, and honestly you were a little relieved that your husband hadn't decided to wake you up first. You turned cautiously to face him and gently placed your hands on his cheeks before admiring his beautiful and innocent expression. After caressing his lips with your thumb gently, you leaned forward to peck him affectionately. That must have woken him up, because his eyelids flutter and you are soon face to face with a sleepy titan.

"Ehhhh...(Your Name)-chin. Good morning." he let out a huge yawn before rubbing his eyes.

"Morning, Atsushi." you mumbled back as you rest your cheek against his broad chest.

  After laying around and cuddling for another good thirty minutes, you both finally decided to get up and have some breakfast. As Murasakibara offers to cook yet again, you creeped into the kitchen beforehand to pull the surprise out of the fridge before he found out himself. You were never good at baking, let alone decorating anything with delicacy. However, you had attempted to make a chocolate cake a day before Christmas. The results weren't breathtakingly gorgeous, but it was the best you could do and you hoped that he would enjoy it. Your husband has always been crazy about sweets and anything savoury, so you wanted to surprise him with a home-made cake. You probably dug your own grave by doing so, because you were expecting a critical evaluation from a bluntly honest pâtissier.

"I-I know it doesn't really look appetising, but Merry Christmas." you announce unsurely as you present the cake to the lilac-haired man.

  You swallowed the lump in your throat nervously as you wait for a reaction. You were pretty surprised to see his eyes widen before shining with excitement. He looked like a little boy who was presented with a new toy on Christmas day. He insisted that you cut him a slice immediately and you do so without a single complaint. Instead you watched him intently as he brought his first bite to his mouth. His expression remained stoic for a little while, but you saw a smile surface to his face as he goes for a second forkful.

"(Your Name), this is amazing. Thank you." his sincere words were muffled by the mouthful of cake in his mouth, but his feelings got through to you clearly.

"Really? I'm glad." you sigh.

"I actually have something or you too..." he trailed off before handing you a jewellery box.

  When you opened it, you saw a pair of earrings that were in the shape of small cookie hearts.

"Merry Merry Christmas (Your Name)-chin. I love you."


Dear Readers,

I hope you all enjoyed the Christmas one shots, I am so sorry that they couldn't be any better or the quality wasn't as good. However, I will work harder to make my work more presentable so please bear with me please. Merry Christmas everybody. I hope you guys have a splendid day/night wherever you live. I love you all.



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