One-sided Bets.(Takao Kazunari)

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*On the ground hitting the ground as I shake with laughter at your reaction to the gif*

-Thank you for requesting! Enjoy!-

  You walk down the hallway with the Seirin team as you busily write down notes that would be useful for data later on. You were so busy scribbling down in your notebook, that you totally forget to look where you were going, and bump head-first into someone. The force was so great that you were knocked backwards; your notebook and pen scattering to the ground.

"Ara need to watch where you're going." A playful voice parrots above you and you look up to see a black-haired man with an extended hand for you to take.

You hesitantly take it and are pulled up to your feet easily.

"Gomen!" You look up into his light grayish blue eyes and bow slightly as you apologize before dashing after your team who had already walked ahead of you.  As you run to avoid getting nagged at by Hyuuga, you don't realize that Takao was watching you go. His lips curl up into a smile as he turns to Midorima.

"She's from Seirin. Aren't they our next match?" His eyes glisten with the thought of competing again, that was the best part of the sport anyway.

"Ah..." Midorima hitches his glasses up, his game face clearly noticeable as they enter the changing rooms to get ready for the upcoming battle.


  You sit down on one side of the bleachers as you watch the players head out to play. This wasn't just like any high school basketball game, it was a game that determined who would advance closer to the Winter Cup. A sweat drops as you swallow nervously. You heard so much about Shutoku, and you knew the fight wasn't going to go down easily.

  That's when you notice that the man that you had bumped into earlier was walking out beside a tall green-headed man and on to the court.  They both looked handsome and bad ass in their uniforms, their muscles flexing and bulging as they stretch. You quickly look away and try to concentrate, judging by your charts, the black-haired man's name was Takao Kazunari. For some reason, you couldn't keep your eyes off him the entire game.

  After a closely even match, Seirin wins by a small amount, and as you pack everything and make sure that everything was in order, you hear the squeaking of gym shoes behind you and turn around to see Takao standing in front of you with a hand behind his head.

"You see (Your Name) I made a bet with Shin-chan that if we lost, that I would ask you out so..will you go out on a date with me?" He asks hurriedly and you look over his shoulder to see his teammates laughing their heads off as they watch their teammate lose his dignity.

  You look down at your feet as you blush and quickly brush back a strand of stray hair behind your ear as you look up, trying to control your blushing cheeks.

"I mean..I would love to." you answer as you give him a small smile making him blush too.

"It's a date then." He smiles as he hands you a slip of paper with his number on it.



"Kuroko come're friends with Midorima..can't you tell me her name?" Takao pleads.

"Why do you want to know our managers name?" Kuroko asks bluntly.

"Takao has the hots for her." Midorima butts in as he wraps his fingers up.

"She's just so kawaii...." He whines as he pleads with Kuroko again and again until Kuroko gives in in annoyance.

"'re really starting to irritate me. It's (Your Name). Now please get ready for the match, because we're going to win. Have you seen these guns?"


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