Rollercoasters. (Akashi Seijuro)

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"Seriously though, where are we going?" You whined relentlessly with your arms crossed tightly over your chest.

"You'll see." Akashi hummed patiently, not once was he affected by your nagging.

  You knew Akashi was a very composed man, but you never knew he was THAT patient until that very moment. You've been asking for hours straight, and he was very determined not to spill.

  You glanced out the window in defeat as you accept the fact that he wasn't going to budge. You just disliked not knowing things. The scenery outside slowly eased the tension in your face and you lean back against the leather chair and sighed. It seemed like it was going to be quite a long ride, and as much as you tried to stay awake, your eyes drooped lower and lower until they shut down completely.

  The engine hums quietly, and at the next traffic light, he glanced to his side to see you inhaling soft breaths. The soft rhythmic pacing of your breathing calmed Akashi down and a secret smile tugged at his lips. His stomach begins to contract as his lips threatened to let his laughter slip out, and he had to struggle so hard just to keep quiet. He reached over and pushed a strand of your hair back before returning his attention to the road in front of him.

"Woah!!!" You gasped as you hurried out of the car in excitement.

"I remember you saying that you wanted to visit Disneyland." He smiled.

You jumped into his arms and squeeze him affectionately before giving him a small peck on the cheek.

"So you actually took me here? Sei, don't you have work tomorrow?" you sighed guiltily as dropped a casual kiss to your temple.

"That should not be your concern today. I am quite positive that I will manage. For now, let's just focus on having fun, yeah?" he reassured as he pinched your cheek affectionately.


"No way."

"Come on, Sei!"

"Rollercoasters aren't my thing (Your Name)." he murmured as he tried to tug your arm away from the ride.

"You're just saying that because you've never been on one before. Are you scared...Akashi Seijuro?" you dragged your words in a teasing tone and watch as he froze.

"Is that a challenge?" he hushed as he turned around with his ruby red eyes glimmering as they pierce through your own pair.

"Maybe so?" you giggled as he adjusts his collar silently before walking towards the ride.

Maybe you underestimated how seriously he took challenges. His "himedere" personality has already faded to a minimum, but that didn't mean that it was entirely gone from his system. Some old habits just never die hard.

  By the end of the ride, you were the one stumbling to walk from the nausea while he came out looking perfectly untouched. Even his hair was perfect. You on the other hand, looked like a pale ghost with wild hair. He lends you a kind arm for you to latch on to as you both continue walking around the amusement park.

"Are you sure you haven't been on a roller coaster before?" You panted as the dizziness had yet to subside.

"Are you sure you want to keep underestimating me? Be careful now, or I'll have to teach you a lesson tonight."

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