Test Scores.(Hyuuga Junpei)

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"Damn..." You curse under your breath as your teacher hands you back your test from last week. 

Judging by the way she looked at you with eyes of disappointment, it didn't seem like you passed the test with flying colors. Turns out that you were right as you glance at the red score on the corner of the paper. You sigh as you put your head on your desk and slam it hard enough that you feel it. You felt like a complete idiot at that moment because you did study for the test, you just couldn't seem to remember anything related to the questions in the heat of the time limit. You crumple up the test and just shoot it into the bin, it hits the edge and bounces to the floor and you groan as you go to dispose of it properly.

Just then the bell rings, signaling that it was time to go home. Just before you exit, your teacher calls you back and you were stuck in the classroom facing her awkwardly.

"(Your Name). Your test results have not been so great lately, and just to put it bluntly, you are failing this class along with a few others. If you don't meet the requirements you know you are going to have no choice but to repeat the year right? Since I know you have the potential, I'm going to help you out-" She explains with her arms crossed and her spectacles hanging off her nose.

"Ah (Your Female Teacher's Name), I'm so sorry I'm late. I had to talk to our coach about our upcoming match and it took longer than expected." Someone calls as he makes his way into the room with his bag slung over his shoulder in a cool manner.

You look up to see Hyuuga Junpei. He was one of the third years that you were immensely crushing on. You had to quickly look away to avoid the embarrassment and also to reduce the amount of blood rushing to your face.

"Ah Junpei...good to see you came. This is the student that I've been talking to you about. (Your Name), I asked if this young man here could help you study for the upcoming exams. That is honestly your only chance to redeem yourself and get back on track. I hope you treat this opportunity well.

That's how it all happened, and you still wonder how you ended up in his apartment, and in his room. It was all so crazy, yet you knew you had to go through with this. He sets down a cup of iced green tea gently in front of you and makes himself comfortable in front of you as he begins to open books that you were required to study. You watch silently as he flips through the pages with his slender fingers whilst nudging his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. Anyone would have screamed that this was nerdy as hell, but somehow you found it extremely cute.

"So um...I heard you play basketball.." You murmur as you try to break the silence.

"Yeah? Have you seen us play?" He asks a little impressed when you nod slowly.

"Yeah. It's one of the things I love to do. Anyway, I know you're struggling really hard in terms of academics, but you have no need to worry, after a few sessions with me, you'll be acing." He smiles kindly, but his words displayed a little bit of his arrogance.

"Thanks for going out of your way to help me. I know I sound kind of dumb." You look down guiltily but he waves it off with a smile.

"Don't worry about it."


He was true to his word, and after a few weeks of continuous hard studying, you ended up boosting your marks, as well as doing relatively well in your exams.

Junpei watched your face light up as your finger slid down to your candidate number which displayed that you had passed the exam. Just then without thinking, you hug him out of the blue and grab everyone's attention around you. You quickly realize what kind of commotion you had created, and quickly try to pull away with flushed cheeks. Before you could completely separate yourself from him, he leans in and gives you a small kiss on the cheek before rubbing the back of his neck as he coughs.


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