They Saw You With Another Guy. (GoM)

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  Kuroko watches silently as you were walking side by side with a random guy that he had never met before. It was easy to avoid being seen because he already had a naturally low presence. Even though he was calm and quiet, he felt like his heart was tearing into a million pieces. He would never be the one to run up and demand to know what was going on, so he would go home with a heavy heart and plan to ask you when you two were in private.

"(Your Name)-chan..who was the guy that you were just with?"


  Kise watches with his mouth agape as you walk side by side with a random guy that he had never seen you with before. Anger seeped in as he grit his teeth while clenching his fists. He felt betrayed and hurt, but he wanted complete answers. He would calm himself and approach the two of you. 

"(Your Name)-icchi? Who's this?" He would ask cheerfully enough, but you would never know how much he wanted to sock him in the face at that moment.


  Aomine would not hesitate to grab the stranger by the cuff of his neck and pull him up threateningly. He would demand to know who the fuck he was and how he knew you while getting ready to get even more violent that he already was. He would completely ignore your pleads to stop, and even  resorts to shrug you off when you try to latch on to his arm to stop him.

"You fucking stay away from my girlfriend, or I'll beat the crap out of you the next time I see you." He would snarl then grab your arm and walk off; ready to give you a piece of his mind too.


  Akashi would watch in dead silence as the anger and jealousy inside would boil over. He would then walk over to where you two were and grab him roughly by the shoulder. He would then ask what relation he had with you, and when he fails to answer, Akashi's hand jerks back smoothly. This action is followed by a cringing bone crack along with the man screaming in pain. He had dislocated the man's shoulder. You were too scared to stop him and just stood there helplessly as Akashi towered over the fallen man who was clutching his arm painfully.

"I strongly advise you stay away from my girlfriend whether she wants you to or not. I am absolute, and you don't want to see what else I will do to you."


  Midorima would be really upset and his face would show it crystal clearly. He would watch while clicking his tongue until he finally decides that enough was enough. He would walk up to the two of you and puts his hand on your shoulder protectively. The man would cower under his intimidating glare and statuesque height. Midorima would then hitch his glasses up before wording his next sentence so the man would understand exactly what he was getting himself into.

"I would suggest that you leave my girlfriend alone, because I do not prefer to use violence as a solution."


  Atushi would be heartbroken for a split second, but then get really angry at the sight of you talking with another guy that he didn't particularly like. He would hunch over and watch for a few minutes until he finally stands up to put him back into his place. You notice that the guy's words faded away as he looks up with a terrified expression. You also notice that a shadow was casting on you from the person behind both of you, you knew exactly who it was. Without a single word, the guy that you were talking to scurries away and you turn around to see that Murasakibara had a terrifying aura radiating off him. He then clings on to you and gives one last glare to the stranger.

"(Your Name)-chin is mine..."

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