Hopelessly Weak.(Ryō Sakurai)

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  Ryō Sakurai was a high school student at Tōō Academy. Ever since he had enrolled into this school, he  had been crushing on you.  You had caught his eye when you both bumped into each other in a convenience store. You were buying your lunch when you realize that he had the same uniform on. That was when you got to know him. Despite him being nervous around you all the time, you had gotten to know each other pretty well.  When he notices that you would always buy lunch, he had offered to make you a bento box every day. You felt bad instantly and tried to deny his hospitality, but he had insisted so much that you finally just give in.

  "Oh my god Sakurai! This is so cute!" You exclaim as you open your bento box, which was arranged beautifully. You almost felt bad for eating it.

"Th-thank you!" He exclaims loudly before realizing he had been too loud. He quickly hunches over and begins to eat with his eyes fixated on his lunch; his cheeks flushing bright red.

"You should eat more Sakurai..you're skinnier than I am!" You joke with a smile and instantly regret it as his face falls a little.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles another one of his meaningless apologies and you shake your head as you ruffle his hair.

"That's nothing to be sorry for dopey! Just take care of your health." You giggle as you bring a crispy fried egg to your mouth.

  After lunch, you both head to class as you both part ways. You had different classes so you had to walk the other way. You give him a slight wave before entering your classroom. Class goes by slowly and you silently thank the gods as the bell begins to ring. You quickly gather up your things and dash out of the classroom; totally excited that it was finally Friday. Just as you walked out of the school gates, a group of thugs begin to approach you and you begin to worry. It looked like they were just hanging outside of the school, looking for trouble.

"Hey there missy..do you want to come and hang with us? I garuntee you'll have a good time~"  A sleazy voice teases and you swallow in disgust.

"U-Um...thanks for the offer but-" You begin to back away as their hands begin to reach for you. Just as you flinch, you hear a loud voice and your eyes shoot open.

"Leave (Your Name)-chan alone!" Sakurai tries to sound tough, but it wasn't really working with his pitch and tone.

"Who's this little punk? You wanna fight boy?" They all pound their fists together as Sakurai pulls a hand in front of you protectively.

"(Your Name)...ru-!" Before he could even finish his sentence, a fist connects with his face and he topples to the ground with a hard thud. 

"Sakurai!" You gasp as you try to help him up, but they had him surrounded, and as you try to push them out of the way to get to him, they shove you out of the way even harder.

  You couldn't see what was happening to him, but you could hear his groans of pain and the sound of violence echoing in your ears. Just as you try one last time to stop them, an elbow connects with your face and you instantly taste the warm coppery taste flooding into your mouth. You think that this was hopeless until the Aomine and his team come across the scene.

"Oi..! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He growls and charges at them. Before Aomine could even touch them, they all scrambled away in fear. 

  You rush to Sakurai, who was on the ground groaning. You had completely forgotten about the stinging pain of your lip as you see how beat up Sakurai was. He had bruises forming all over his body and face, along with multiple scratches. You help him up and he cannot help but lean heavily against you until Aomine suggests that he would be better off as supporting him. You both manage to help him into the school infirmary as they treat him with first aid. The whole time Sakurai was asking if you were okay, and when he sees your bruised lip, he started apologizing non-stop. It was beginning to get so annoying that you shut him up by leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his lips. 

"Thanks for defending me Ryō~" You feel your cheeks grow with heat and laugh as his whole face turns beet red.


Dear Readers,

I hope you enjoy this scenerio where Ryo tries to be heroic but ends up getting beat up for you. LOL. It's finally Friday. Praise the gods guis. TuT



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