Kuroko Tetsuya (The Christmas Present)

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"Tetsuya!" You chirp


"It's Christmas Day! Get up!" You exclaim

"I'm kind of tired (Your Name)." He sighs

"Aww please!" You whine.

"I don't think I will be able to move too far after last night." He groans.

"That's what I am supposed to be saying." You chuckle before tugging at his hand.

"Actually, I think there is a way where we can just enjoy our presents in bed." He smiles before throwing his head up to whistle.

  At the sharp sound, the large husky dashes out of the room and returns shortly with a couple of boxes handing from his mouth. He sets it down gently before getting pet almost as gently by his owner. You give him a big hug as well before placing your gift in front of Kuroko.

"Here Tetsu. This is yours." You smile.

"What is it?" He tilts his head curiously.

"You'll have to open it." You tease and watch eagerly as he does so.

  You had bought him a couple of sweaters that would suit him a few weeks in advance, and you know it's all worth it now when you see his face light up with joy. His eyes literally sparkle with happiness and you cannot help but let out a small giggle. Nigou sniffs around and soon settles next to you. Kuroko was already happy about the sweaters, but he finds a few cards in the  pile of wrapping paper too. It was gift cards to his favorite milkshake place. At that moment, he throws his arms around you and practically tackles you down.

  After a long while of trying to get him off of you, he finally hands you his present and you cannot help but grin ear to ear. You open the small box to be greeted with a shimmery (Your Birthstone Name) ring. It reflects the warm rays of the morning sun and it instantly warms your heart.

"I hope you like it." He whispers as he runs his thumb along your cheek fondly.

"Like it? I love it. Thank you." You murmur back before pulling his face in for a soft kiss.

"Merry Christmas...(Your Name). You too...Nigou."

Kuroko no Basket Imagines {Continued}.Where stories live. Discover now