A Game.(Himuro Tatsuya)

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-Thank you for requesting and I hope you all enjoy! Also, the oneshot will lean more towards Himuro's point of view in this one. Let me know if you like it or not!-

  Himuro Tatsuya was one of the hottest and most well-known actors in the movie industry. Not only was he talented with his acting ability, there was nothing that he couldn't do. His hobbies and talents ranged from modelling to playing basketball, a very wide variety indeed. Through the public's eye, he had everything. He had the best life that anybody could ask for, yet they were only seeing the things that the media wanted them to see. On the contrary, he was miserable and lonely.

  It wasn't like he didn't have any friends. He had many, maybe even too many to count. Countless faces that just blur by, they were hardly real friendships. They were more interested in the profit and business he was able to attract. He was someone that aimed for perfection, and competing over the trivial feeling of fame was getting tiresome and destructive. He wished that he could lead a normal life and actually graduate from the college that he had originally wanted to go to. He wanted to throw away everything he had worked so hard for, and start from scratch. So that was what he did.

  The first few months were tough. Himuro had been so pampered and tweaked into the life of a celebrity, that he almost forgot the basic skills of daily survival in the city. He had left his job after hours of arguing about the iron contract that was reluctant to let him go. In the end, they all settle on a brief hiatus for him to complete his schooling. But Himuro wasn't planning to come back as fast as they were anticipating. Who knows, maybe he wouldn't go back to being the sensational idol ever again.

  He was genuinely enjoying his time as a normal student at a normal college. He was doing very well, and everything around him seemed to fall back into place. He had gotten himself immersed in the joy of basketball again, and the gateway of dreams and hopes was beginning to open for him. In fact, he was so talented, that he was put up for the first string roster in a matter of weeks. However, to keep his low profile, he would put on a pair of glasses. To everyone else, he was just another book nerd that nobody cared about. He liked it that way. For all his life he had been getting attention without seeking it, so it felt releasing to finally have everybody off his back.

  It was a bright Sunday morning. The weather was pleasant, so Himuro had decided to hang out with a couple of his new friends by playing a few games of street ball. The basketball courts were located right next to a open cafe that was usually buzzing with activity on normal days. However, since it was Sunday, it seemed like most of the students were sleeping into the lazy afternoon. Amidst the sweat and drilling of the ball hitting the ground, a girl with (Your Hair Color) hair sat untroubled with her nose stuck in a book. Her fingers flipping through each page eagerly as if she was living through the words that darted across her eyes. The sun reflects on her skin, and she was truly breath-taking.

"Yo Himuro! Heads up!" His mate shouts and Himuro turns just in time to intercept the ball with his hand to avoid getting smacked in the face.

  The ball bounces away a few feet, before tapping her feet gently. She seemed to be startled for a moment, but her lips tug up into a small smile as Himuro apologises gently. She bends down and picks up the ball between her small hands before handing it back towards him. Himuro feels her fingers brush his gently, and he swore that he felt sparks fly. Cliche, but he finally understood what it felt like to fall in love with someone upon first sight. Even through the leaping of his heart, he composes himself and waves a little before jogging back to his friends who were awaiting his return with the ball to resume the game.

  She glances at his back as his friends clap him on the back hard. Her lips tug up automatically as she was happy for him. To speak truthfully, she had recognised him immediately. After all, she had a entire collection of his movies. However, she sensed as if he wanted to forget that for a moment, and maybe she wanted that too. She wanted to fall in love with the real Himuro Tatsuya. She wipes the stupid grin off her face before returning her attention back to her book. Himuro glances as you from time to time as often as he could spare, he throws a perfect shot as he makes a resolution to get your number afterwards.

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