Murasakibara Atsushi (The Christmas Tree)

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"Woah Atsushi! You're almost as tall as that tree." You guffaw as you watch your husband squint.

  You've both decided to come out earlier that day to run some errands and buy some Christmas things to decorate your home. As Christmas approaches rapidly, you are completely immersed in making this first Christmas as newlyweds the best one yet. However, it wasn't going as planned because Atsushi is just not as excited as you are.

"Ehhh...(Your Name)-chin. I just want to go home and eat these snacks." he whines as he jiggles the plastic bag brimmed with colourful packets of sweets and crisps.

  The vibrant colours of the wrappers suddenly give you a great idea and you drag him back to the snacks section.

"You know what? Atsushi! Let's decorate the tree with snacks! I think you'll enjoy shopping for that more." you give him a smile and watch his annoyed face transition into a pouty one.

"Fine." he sighs as he begins to shove his favourites into the cart.

"Um..Atsushi? You can't buy everything here." you remind him after ten minutes of him constantly shoving things into trolley.



  As soon as you set foot into the door, you attempt to lunge the big carrier of food into the house. However, you both end up picking out so much that you can barely even pick anything up. At that moment, Murasakibara leans over you and picks up the rest of the plastic bags with ease. Even after being with him for so long, his unfathomable strength still manages to leave you in awe. He sets the tree up surprisingly fast and now the decorating is the only thing on your list to complete.

"A-Atsushi! You can't just eat them all now!" you nag as you attempt to stretch forward to set the star at the pinnacle of the tree.

"But I can't help it (Your Name)-chin!" he says as he picks up another packet of Pocky.

"Murasakibara Atsushi, don't you dare-whah!" you don't even finish your sentence as you feel the stool shake dangerously underneath you as you misplace your footing.

  Just as you fall backwards, you don't have enough time to register that the distance between you and the hard floor was shortening drastically. Luckily, you feel a pair of arms reach around you to cushion your fall.  If it wasn't for your husband's sudden reflexes, you probably would have had to take an embarrassing trip to the ER before Christmas.

"(Your Name)-chin. You need to be more careful or you'll get hurt." Atsushi lectures seriously.

"S-sorry." you wave him off sheepishly and watch as he places the star up carefully.

  After placing and positioning all the snacks on the tree. You click on the switch for the Christmas lights and you hear a small inhale of breath from your titan-like partner. You look over to see his eyes shining almost as brightly as the lights itself. A happy grin spreads along his face and your own lips lift up at his reaction. He may be a large man on the outside, but you know there will always be a little innocence left in him for the years to come. You wrap your arms around his wide hips and pull him in for a soft kiss under the illuminated ceiling


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