What Kind Of Father They Would Be.(GoM)

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  Kuroko is the type of father that is calm and collected most of the time. He would usually be the one to calm you down when they are in trouble. He would be a good listener and hear his children out before saying anything. He is patient and soft, but when he is really mad, his whole personality could shift into silent but deadly anger that would show when he spoke his words and his eyes would radiate his wrath. He cares for his child immensely and makes sure that they get to grow up in the best environment possible, he makes sure to remind them that sometimes it's okay to be the shadow instead of the light.


  Kise is the type of father that all his kids find extremely annoying. He would be the one getting kicked around by them , when he should be the one doing so. However, when things get out of the boundary in which he could just joke about, he would became very serious and even scary. For example, when his kids would bad-mouth his mother, he would stand his ground and make sure they apologize and set things right before letting them go. However, most of the time he is cheerful and loves his children with all his heart. He just wants his children to smile and grow up to be the best they can be.


  Aomine is the type of father that would force his daughter to wear a shirt with his topless picture in it with a caption of "This is my dad. Stay away boys." He would be VERY protective with his children, boy or girl. He sometimes rough handles his children and ends up taking them to the ER, but he loves his children very much. He's the type of man that is all about experiences, despite being very lazy most of the time. So he would force the family to go out and play various types of sports or go on a fishing trip. He disciplines his children very strictly whenever they act out and gives them consequences that would humiliate them more than anything. For example, he would make his sons do 100 pushes every time they broke curfew. He believes that they will be taught a lesson, and also get healthy in the process. Aomine may be rough, but he just wants his children to be strong and face challenging situations head on with confidence.


  Akashi is the type of father that is strict, but also very loving. Coming from a family background that didn't provide him with parental love, he has experience on what it feels to be neglected. He makes sure that his children excel at their studies and hobbies, but in a very different way. He would compromise and negotiate rewards for their achievements, just like a man doing business. Whenever they don't meet his expectations, he cheers them up and makes sure that they know that it is okay to lose sometimes or to fail. He is a spontanious father that tries hard to know his children and bond with them despite of his busy schedule that kept him up late. He is the type of father to plan amazing family trips once in a while to have the happy family he never really had. Akashi just wants his children to succeed and learn the true value of family.


  Atsushi would be the father that all other kids around would be scared to death by. Despite having a huge body structure that made him seem scary and titan-like, he treated his children very gently and made sure that they weren't into any harm at any cost. For example, he would hold on to his daughter's small hand in his huge one whenever they crossed the streets, making sure that she knew that she needed to always wait for the light to turn green before she crossed. He would buy them candy and sweets for himself, but wouldn't mind sharing with his kids, even if he knew that their mother was going to give him nag for it. Whenever other kids would torment and bully his kids, he would be the first to react and just scare them away, which usually works every time. Atsushi just wants to protect his kids from the harsh sides of the world, whilst helping them learn the basics in surviving it.


  Midorima would be the kind of father that his kids would assume that he didn't really care about them, when clearly it was the opposite. Since this man has a hard time expressing his true feelings, sometimes his children would misunderstand. He is most likely to end up with family issues because of his supposed lack of interest for his kids. However, he loves his children dearly and would try his best to bond whenever he got time off of his bustling schedule of being a doctor. For example, when he got home, he would rustle their hair fondly without a word before heading up to change, and during dinner, he would try his best to make conversation and ask them about their days. Despite the struggle he put his kids through sometimes, they all know his true intentions behind his facade of emotions and would end up giving him a big hug and cuddle of affection, which made him flush red most of the time. Whenever his kids got into trouble, he would be firm and teach them right from wrong rather bluntly, but after he was done lecturing, he would sigh and suggest that he treat them to some ice cream. Midorima just wants his kids to know how much he loves them, and that sometimes people can be very different from what they show to the world.


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