What If They Friend-zoned You.(GoM)

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"I'm sorry (Your Name)-chan. I'm sure you are a very nice girl and all but I think we should just stay friends. It's not because I don't care about you, it's because I cannot find myself thinking about you in the same way. I hope you can understand."


"(Your Name)-icchi. I'm very happy that you feel this way about me...but I don't think I can return your feelings. I'd like it if we could just stay friends. Please don't get mad at me, but I don't have any romantic feelings for you. I just don't think having a girlfriend is a good idea for my right now. I don't want to get tied down or vice versa. Please don't cry (Your Name)-icchi!"


"I'm glad that you told me how you feel, but I'm sorry, I can't return your feelings. I just don't think we're a good match. You're a cool girl but I'm going to have to say no.Honestly, I'm just too lazy to have to maintain a relationship when I can't even maintain my attendance for class. Sorry (Your Name). You're still my homie though."


"Thank you (Your Name). I'm happy that you were able to confess those feelings that you probably kept inside for so long. At least this way, you will find closure much quicker. I would much rather stay as friends. I have no interest in committing into a relationship anytime soon, and I don't think we would go anywhere with my tight schedule anyway. I'm confident that you are an amazing person, but I'm going to have to reject your feelings. I hope you have a good day (Your Name)."


"I-I see. Forgive me for sounding too surprised, I have never dealt with such things before. No wonder my luck for today was ranked lowest. Anyway, I'm sorry but I don't think of you in the same way. I've never been good with girls, and I don't think I am ready to be in a relationship with anybody. You're a great friend of mine (Your Name)..I hope we stay that way."


"Ehhh....I'm sorry (Your Name)-chin. I don't want to go out with you. I think we should just be friends. Here. Do you want a Pocky stick?"

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