Forbidden Marriage.(Akashi Seijuro)

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  You've been together with Akashi for quite some time now, despite having his father disapprove of his relationship with a commoner like you, he loved you from the bottom of his heart and would do anything for you. This continued on well through out high school and into university, where you both made it into one of the top universities in Tokyo. After your studies, you planned to move in together and just start a life together. Of course, his father, being the man he was, refused to give you his blessing, but for once in his life, Akashi disobeyed him and completely disregarded his father's input.

"(Your Name). Let's get married." He says those words seriously and you almost choke on your dinner.

"Wh-what? Sei..we're just fresh out of college! Do you really think it's a good idea? What would your father say about this? You know he hated my guts." You sigh as you finish coughing.

"I don't care about what he says anymore. I can't let him control how I live my life. I want to be with you." He says softly as he reaches out to stroke your cheek.

" know yourself that if you go through with this, he would probably cut off all ties with you, and you wouldn't be the successor anymore! You have no idea how much life is dependent on money. I mean, I work really hard and earn moderately, but you don't have any experience with that.." You begin to reason with him for his own sake.

"Are you saying that I'm inexperienced?" The question itself was pretty harmless, if it wasn't for his slight annoyance present in his tone.

"Th-that's not what I'm saying and you know it. I do love you Sei, and it's beyond my dreams to become your wife, but I don't want you to throw away everything just for the sake of us." You look up at him earnestly; hoping that he wasn't mad at you. You get up to clear the dishes as you bring them to the sink in the kitchen.

"You don't have to worry your mind about such trivial things. I'm Akashi Seijuro, and I always find my way. If he does cut me off, then I'll work and become even more successful than he ever was. We can get through it together. So please, stay with me forever." He whispers as he wraps his arms around you  into a firm embrace.

  You couldn't say no to him, because you knew you wanted it more than he did. You loved him with everything you got, and you wanted nothing more than to be with him. So, you accepted his offer, and he was overjoyed.

  As you had predicted, his father had cut everything off, even going to the extremity to cut off his credit cards as well as banking. Akashi didn't even bat an eyelid at this gesture. You knew how much he hated being belittled and mocked. Whoever, it seemed like he was going to channel his revenge and pride into becoming successful. 

  The first few years were a little harsh around the edges. It was pretty decent for you, because you were used to living the common life. However, it was a huge adjustment for Akashi to make, though he learnt surprisingly quickly. By the end of it, he could do almost all the housework perfectly, and sometimes could cook even better than yourself. It was a small apartment that you both lived in, but it was everything you could ask for because you both were inseparable. Every day was like a new and fresh start, and your relationship with your fiancee would do nothing but improve. You both had decided to keep the wedding on hold, because Akashi would refuse to have a simple wedding, simply because he wanted to treat you like a queen.

  After a few more years, Akashi had successfully launched his official business after climbing the career ladder with much sweat and blood. It was never hard for him, because he was extremely smart and excelled at almost everything, clamoring businesses begging for his presence in their company. He became the youngest and most successful businessman of your century. As business was doing well, Akashi discussed moving into a bigger place, and also planning the wedding you both were waiting for.

  You were both wed in (Your Favorite Month) with only a small group of people attending. Despite Akashi refusing to invite his father, you insisted, convincing him that he was his flesh and blood even if he hated that fact. You were surprised to see that his father had attended the wedding, and even more when he had approached you at the after party.

"It seems that you have supported him through this and brought him the success that I couldn't give him. I apologize for my behavior and I have to just say that his mother would be proud." He says stiffly as you squeeze Akashi's arm softly as you give him a warm smile.

"Thank you father." He nods respectfully and you do the same.

"She's beautiful..Seijuro...keep her close to you always."

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