Confession.(Midorima Shintaro)

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Man proposes,God disposes.

  Midorima was always different from the rest of the Generation of Miracle players. Technically, each of them possessed different kinds of individuality and morales. Being part of a well-known team that was almost guaranteed each game to be a victory came with grave costs. It wasn't just their physical body that couldn't keep up with their powers, but also their mental mindsets. Arrogance replaces Persistence, Teamwork becomes Indifference, and Hope becomes Weakness.

  Midorima was slightly different. He was confident in his abilities, that much you can tell from the way he plays, but he never let go of persistence. Deep down, he knew that there were happy times when playing with his rivals that were once his teammates. He never truly believed that he was at the top, and he was right. He had tried so hard to reach the peak of what he desired, but he never really knew what it was that he desired in the first place. How was he to find his way up when he didn't which trail to follow? He never realized that it was a part of himself that he had to give up, to receive what was sacred to him. He had to let go of his pride.

  When you first got to know Midorima, he was prideful and honorable, yet he rarely let anyone on the outside know what he was truly feeling. He left you guessing about many things that would have never interested anybody else, but you. You were the only one by his side to guide him through things whether he wanted your advice or not. He despised you in the beginning, because he thought you were trying to make your way into his business. However, as he got to know the person you were, and the similar pain you had gone through in your life, the anger turned to respect. Then the respect turned to admire, and the admiration turned to love.

Of course, he would never even dream about confessing his feelings for you, and neither were you. You were the kind of person to believe that if it was meant to be, it would happen regardless of each sides effort. You both got closer and closer until you were finally comfortable enough to be around each other almost anywhere and almost every given time.

"Hey Shintaro?" You call out his name as you both attempt to study for the upcoming sets of tests. Since Midorima was such a perfectionist, you both decided to study together for good measure.

"Can you play the piano for me?" You ask and you heard his pencil lead snap off his paper as he looks at you in awe.

"H-How did you know I played the piano?" He asks as he recomposes himself by hitching up his glasses the way he always does.

"Your fingers. I can tell by your fingers, and also the fact that you have a piano in your room." You point out and Midorima can't help but feel a little bit dumb for not noticing.

"F-fine, but just one song." He coughs as he gets up and sits on the piano stool.

You watch his every move and cannot help but feel your heart swell as you watch his handsome side view. His face was concentrated yet relaxed at the same time. You loved everything about this man. His green hair, his eyes, his long eyelashes, his face, his glasses. It was almost impossible for someone to love almost everything about another, but this was a different case.

  As you watch him play, you cannot help but feel like you were entranced to his every move. The way his fingers and wrists flexed whenever making contact with the keys that brought your ears such pleasantry. You could feel every raw emotion in the music he was playing, the emotions that he had to hide away from the rest of the world, hidden behind his hard exterior. Everything he had was played bear before you and you finally open your eyes when he lands the last key.

It's eerily silent, but not awkward. He stares at the keyboard for a key minutes before he turns his head to meet your eyes with his dark green ones. His expression was serious, yet not unreadable. You've never seen him more serious in your life, and he was always serious. It was as if he had confessed everything to you, but in his own little way.

"(Your Name). I really love you. Will you be my girlfriend?"


Second UPDATE of the day! Show me some love -spreads arms wide-



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