Bodyguard.(Imayoshi Shoichi)

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The world was a dangerous and harsh place. At least, this was the case for you. Being the daughter of a high ranked politician made you vulnerable to the menacing hands of those who craved power. Some people would do anything to overthrow your father, and sadly, you were caught up in all this ever since you entered the world. Sometimes, you hated him for it.

Being raised in a very conservative household meant that you did not have many chances to live a real teenage life. While others were having sleepovers, you were at home plowing through extracurricular activities. Your lessons ranged from various instruments to various sports and activities. Naturally, you were expected to exceed in not one, but every single one of them. This was a huge burden to carry for you. Since you were too busy keeping up with everybody's expectations, you didn't have much of a chance to develop your personality.

You attended one of the most elite schools in Tokyo. Not only were they known for their outstanding national-level basketball team, they had one of the best education programs in the country. Surprisingly enough, you weren't that popular at school. There was a difference between being known and being acknowledged, and you were judged heavily by your father's every move in the political movement. You didn't try to make friends either, because you were told to minimize your intimacy with citizens to lessen the chance of them being hurt too. You would mind your own business, and they would leave you alone in return. You had one purpose in life. You would never forgive yourself if you became a burden on someone else. That was how you were raised, and how you were trained to think.

There was only one person in the whole entire world that treated you like a normal human being, and his name was Imayoshi Shoichi. He was one of the bodyguards that got under your skin, but you had no choice but to abide by their rules. After all, you weren't the type to create trouble. Imayoshi was an interesting man to say the least, but his teasing would get extreme.

"Hey there Miss Richie Rich, ready to go?" He grins slyly as you glare at him while walking out of school.

"Don't call me that." You barely contain your annoyance as it takes everything to maintain a cool and collected tone.

"Whatever you say...princess." He teases again as you shut the Mercedes door.

You let out a series of soft coughs as you concentrate on your notebook that contained the content you were required to know for the upcoming tests. It may have just been a small cold, but Imayoshi's ears perk up at the unusual stuffiness of your throat.

"Are you unwell?" He asks with an unusual concern and you just shake your head.

"My throat is just dry, don't worry about it." You swallow with difficulty, but you do not complain.

However, you had been starting to feel sick after eating lunch. You disregarded it easily, since you had other things to worry about. Imayoshi drives in silence after that, but your coughs were getting worse and worse by the minute, and it got to a point where Imayoshi was glancing at you worriedly through the rear view mirror. You heave forward as you bring your hands to your lips; and you feel a sticky warm substance stream through the spaces between your fingers.

"(Your Name)!"

He immediately stops the car and throws the passenger door open to examine you. He checks your pupils first, then places his hand on your wheezing chest. His face looked grave as he lifts you up in his arms. You don't even try to resist because you probably didn't have the strength to anyway. You cling on tightly to his chest with your blood-soaked hands as he breaks into a run.

"Hang in there..." He breaths heavily and everything around you dissembles away as you hear him, and only him.

"Hey Imayoshi?" You manage to let the words slip out of your mouth as another wave of coughs spray him with your blood. "I-Maybe it's better for me this way. If I die...nobody would miss me..would they? I won't have to worry about being a burden to anybody anymore. D-death sounds nice."

You hear him say something back, but it was all muffled and fuzzy as your consciousness begins to dim out. He sounded angry and hurt, but you didn't have the chance to say anything as your body finally surrenders.

You never expected to be alive, but your eyes flutter open and you see the white ceiling in front of you. The room was bustling with noisy commands and beeps.Your body felt like it had been frozen then microwaved. You cannot help but let out a big groan but you instantly gag as you throw your head forward as the acidic contents of your stomach makes it way up your throat. A bucket is thrust in front of you, and when you look up, you see a nurse patting your back gently before she leaves. You wipe at your mouth with your shaky hands and look around in a daze to find yourself surrounded by doctors. You search the room for that one particular face before your head lands back on to the pillow. You were somewhat sad that Shoichi wasn't here, but you scold yourself for thinking that he would have stayed with you.

"Looking for me..princess?" His voice echoes through the room and you turn your head to see Imayoshi leaning against the hospital bed. He looked tired and you glance at the clock to find that it was 4 in the morning. "You gave us quiet a scare there, but the doctors were finally able to pump out all the poison from your body."

"Poison?" You were surprised at how weak and fragile your voice sounded.

"You've been poisoned (Your Name). That explains why the effects of the drug started kicking in a few hours later." He explains softly and the doctor excuses himself politely.

"I see." You look down at your hands dejectedly and suddenly he tilts your chin up softly to meet his eyes.

"You are wrong." He mutters.

"What?" You answer hesitantly.

"You said that nobody would miss you if you died. That's not true because I would miss you. Unless I'm a nobody, I guess my sentiment counts." He smirks before bringing leaning in to meet your lips.

"You're not alone. I will always be by your side."

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