Raw Talent.(Sakurai Ryō)

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  You were a pretty clumsy person to begin with, but school was the ultimate place for accidents waiting to happen. In fact, accidents happened to you regardless of where you were present. It was either because danger managed to find it's way to you at any given moment, or it was because you were just painfully unaware of your surroundings. That seem to happen a lot these days because your attention was almost always on the books you carried around.

  You enjoyed reading with a passion. You liked how pages of words could bring you into a world of limitless imagination. You could interpret the words anyway you liked, and there was no right or wrong answer. It could make you feel supported by the writer, just like how the spine of a book holds everything together. It could also make you feel raw emotions that you could never experience in your reality. But the best thing about reading, was that you could picture yourself as the heroine of every story. You wondered when your own fairytale would come true. What you didn't know was that your story was just about to begin, just not the way you had envisioned it.

  Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to have your nose buried deep into a book while waiting for your coffee order, but you did so anyway. The main character was just about to profess his love for his long lost love, and there was no way you were going to put off reading about it until later. You barely heard your name being called, but it was as if your body was on autopilot mode. Just when you retrieve your cup and turn around to walk to a nearby table, you rammed straight into someone's chest and you went hurtling forward as you lose your footing. You quickly grabbed on to anything that could have steadied yourself, and that happened to be someone's shoulder. You may have saved yourself from face-planting into the hard ground, but you didn't even notice how empty your cup felt until you noticed the large growing brown stain in front of you.

"Oh god! I am SO sorr-!" you gasped, but the man spoke over you and blurted out. 

"SORRY!!! SORRY!!" he apologises profusely as he bowed a full ninety degrees.

"No! It was totally my fault! I shouldn't have been so careless! Oh, let me pay you for your shirt!" you fumbled on and on as you offered him your handkerchief.

"U-uh...! No it's fine! I'm sorr-" he stammered as shook his head so much that you thought it was going to fall right off.

 Sakurai was stunned, not because of the whole incident, but because he was taken aback by how apologetic you were. It was probably hypocritical for him to think so, because you probably weren't the one with 'Apologetic Mushroom" as a nickname. Luckily enough, the coffee shop staff were nice enough to provide him with an extra T-shirt. After the incident, you both found yourself in a deep conversation about writing and books. It turned out that he was into writing manga, which you happened to love reading. When you mentioned how much you loved (Your Favourite Author), he seemed almost just as excited as his eye sparkled with admiration.

"My name is (Your Name), it was really nice meeting you." you said as you extend your hand kindly.

He took your hand and gave it a small and timid shake before giving you a shy smile.

"I'm Sakurai. Sakurai Ryō."





Japan's most sensational mangaka marries fiancée (Your Full Name) in a romantic ceremony in Tokyo!

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