Confidence.(Yukio Kasamatsu)

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-Thank you for requesting and I am so sorry for the late updates these days, I'm just getting ready for school and it's getting quite hectic and busy, I hope you guys can understand. Enjoy!-

  Ever since your coach nominated you to be the captain of your basketball team, you were visibly struggling with leadership. It was just something that you weren't experienced with, or personally talented at like Yukio Kasamatsu;the boy's team captain. You barely even had a crisp voice that would grab any players attention from a mile away, in fact, you were one of the most quiet and shy players on the team. You were much like Mitobe, silent yet hardworking. To be totally honest, you didn't know why on earth your coach would believe in you as a captain in the first place.

"U-um..guys.." Once again your failed attempt in calling your team mates together to discuss the upcoming games was sinking in; making you feel as dejected and self-conscious as ever. Everyone just didn't hear you, or does not want to take you seriously.

  The two basketball teams would sometimes share half the court with each other because of the fact that their games were sometimes in sync. Therefore, you had to train before the games almost everyday with the boys. It was quite awkward at first, but you all got used to it pretty quickly. You would sometimes get scared shitless when Kasamatsu yelled in the gym, and would always wonder how on earth he was able to get them to listen so quickly.

  As you struggle to try and take responsibility, Yukio notices quickly and makes his way over to your side while wiping away his droplets of sweat with a towel. He places a surprisingly gentle hand on your shoulder to put you at ease as he takes in a deep breath before almost making your ears hurt.

"Kaijō Girls' Basketball Team! Are you guys deaf or what? You're captain is calling you over, show some respect." His confident voice booms as you watch everyone's head turn to the two of you; suddenly making you the center of attention.

  You nod gratefully as you cannot help the blood rushing to your cheeks as you try to hide your face quickly by burying into your check board.

"Th-thank you Kasamatsu-senpai.." You whisper as you clear your throat to begin announcements.

  You watch as the captain's cheeks begin to flush bright red too, as he coughs to cover his face nervously before nodding slightly. He then returns to his own team to beat the crap out of Kise, who seemed to be making fun of his senpai's inability to talk to girl's normally. You couldn't help but smile to yourself before raising your voice a little louder to continue with the tasks at hand.

  After a long afternoon of basketball training, you sit outside of the gym with your towel resting on your damp hair. You had just taken a quick shower before beginning to pack away your things for the evening. You turn around without looking to bump into a broad chest, you look up to see Yukio looking down at you with an equally appalled face as yours. You quickly swallow nervously before opening your mouth hesitantly to say something.

"Thank you again, for what you did back there. You really did save me from an awkward situation." You nod as you avert your gaze.

"No-no problem. You should be more confident in yourself..I mean..not that you're not confident..but I mean..." He stammers. "...I think that you would become a great leader if you just let go of the low self-esteem and b-build it up higher. Don't be afraid to raise your voice, and keep your head up high." 

  As he says such encouraging words, you could feel your heart swell up with emotions. You already had a crush on him since middle school, so this situation wasn't helping you at all. Before you could even realize what had escaped your mouth, you let the words slip out.

"私は、あなたを愛しています。(I love you.)" 

 There is silence for a brief second, mostly from the shock. You quickly cover your hand over your mouth to realize that it was too late. You couldn't take back what you had said, and you couldn't erase his memory either. You quickly turn around to escape the embarrassing and possibly heartbreaking situation, but your feet halt to a stop as you feel a grip on your arm; immobilizing you from running away from him. Your heart beats harder as you hear these words echoing through your eardrums.

"あなたがずっと好きでした。(I've always loved you.)"

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