How They Would Act On The Train. (GoM+Kagami+Kiyoshi)

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He would constantly be shoved back as his low presence made people bump into him with ease. Despite the discomfort he was in, he would never let go of your hand whilst making an extremely annoyed face at those who bumped into the both of you.

He would glance at you nervously as you glared at the girls that obviously recognized the famous model you were transporting in a train with. He would hold on to the hanging handles with one hand and with the other he would purposely wrap it around your shoulders from the back. He insisted that it was a way to make sure you wouldn't lose your balance, but in reality, he adored the bit of public display of affection he could get away with everyday on the train.

Akashi would stand extremely close to you since he had watches the news about the increasing number of grope incidents occurring in crowded trains. He would shoot anyone suspicious a silent glance with his eyes and they all cowered away under his intimidating aura. Whenever the train jolted a sharp turn, he would have to lean in as people would push against him and you would blush ferociously every time he made contact with you.

Aomine usually never had a problem on trains as he was tall and muscular. Whenever people shoved at him, he would usually shove back purposefully, making you roll your eyes. Despite that, he kept his watchful eye on any guy that was standing too close to you, just in case they were up to no good. Whenever the train jolted and you stumble, he would grab your neck and pull you in and whisper teasing insults that made you want to push him away.

Midorima was never good on trains. He hated being at such a close proximity to random sweaty strangers. He would usually hold on to his own railing and stand a bit far away from you, since he didn't want to have to deal with getting caught staring at you again. However, when the train takes a sharp turn and you stumble, he would be right by your side, supporting you with his large body so you wouldn't fall. Then he would usually blush bright red as you held his hand, saying that it would prevent you from falling.


Murasakibara was so huge that he would have to hunch over to avoid hitting his head on the roof of the train. He enjoyed eating crisps and any type of junk food before you both reached your destination. Occasionally he would offer the bag to you and continue munching. Whenever the train tilted to the side, he would hold on to you like a teddy bear and prevent you from losing your balance. He was such a intimidating sight that everyone would steer clear of this purple giant while you would laugh and giggle at his childish demeanor.


Kagami, being the usual blunt and scary-looking guy, would have a permanent scowl on his face throughout the whole train ride. He would glare at any other guy that was staring at you and even resort to confronting them by calling them out. In fact, he was so scary that he would make any child cry within 10 cm of where he was standing. He would look at you helplessly as you struggled not to burst out laughing. Whenever the train took a sharp turn, he would hold you awkwardly by the arm to stop you from flying into someone else. Despite being the most awkward boyfriend ever, you appreciated the thought and would give him a small peck. Kagami would flush bright red as he would demand what you were thinking.


Being the affectionate boyfriend in  your life, he would hold on to your hand in his big ones and refuse to let go. He would stand behind you protectively while resting his chin on your head. He would wrap his arms around your waist whenever the ride got rough and hold you tightly to stop you from toppling over.He would smile kindly at everyone he made eye contact with, creating a merry atmosphere. You had to drag him out of the train in the end when he was too busy entertaining a baby in the train.

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