I'm Sorry.(Makoto Hanamiya)

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"I honestly don't know why I still put up with your shit." You sigh as you uncross your arms in defeat.

  Every argument you have with Hanamiya is always one-sided. You usually trigger the dispute, but he always ends up winning over you in the end. Today is one of those days where you decide not to take any more of his shit anymore. No matter how much you try, Hanamiya would never admit that he was wrong. That bothers you so much, that you are about to give up on your relationship.

"What do you mean by that?" he demands with hostility.

 Hanamiya's sadistic grin is wiped off his face immediately at your tone.

"If we can't even work through an argument together, I don't think we should be together at all." you reply steadily as you look him in the eye.

"Are you seriously breaking up with me?" his scolding voice pierces your eardrums sharply.

"So what if I am? You don't seem to care anyway." you hiss.

  Hanamiya's eyes flare up with anger as he takes a step towards you. There is no doubt that he is angry, but you've never seen him so frustrated in your life. Before you can even react, he is already towering in front of you. His malicious glare bore holes through your irises as if he is about to deliver death to his prey. As much as you want to come across as strong and unyielding, your shoulders begin to tremble on against your will. Maybe it is just your imagination, but his eyes soften as he notices how scared you are.

  He brings his hand up to your face before grazing your cheek with his cold fingertips. You try to flinch away from his touch in case he intends to harm you, but you are cornered by his large body. There is no escape for you. Just when you clamp your eyes shut in fear, you are surprised to feel a very gentle hand caressing your cheek. Your eyes flutter open again and you look up to see Hanamiya's unusually weighty face. Before you can even question his demeanour, his possessive lips come crashing down on to yours.

  His tongue probes at your bottom lip for permission and you let it slide into your mouth easily.  After the endless fight for dominance, he pulls away and hovers an inch away from your face. "I'm not letting you break up with me." he tells you before pulling your lips in once more.

  At his words, you instantly pull away and push him away with all the strength you can muster. You turn around and run your fingers through your hair as you attempt to catch your breath. Your heart burns in pain as you scold yourself for thinking that he was kissing you because he genuinely felt bad. As you are about to conclude your thoughts by accepting that your boyfriend was a sadist that did not care about you, you feel his arms snake up your waist from behind you.

"Hanamiya, I can't keep doing this." you whisper hoarsely as you feel his arms tighten around your body.

"I'm sorry." he murmurs against your neck.

"What?" you spin around in disbelief and he instantly wraps his hands around your cheeks before placing his forehead against yours.

"I said I'm sorry."

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