The Chosen One.(Midorima Shintaro)

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-This fan art gave me an idea...kudos to the artist that made this. It's really beautiful.-

You admire the view of the island as you click photos of the beautiful and natural scenery. Photography was always something you wanted to pursue, and today was finally the day where you were sent to "The Island of Miracles" to bring back stunning photographs of the place.

It has been said that this island possessed many miracles, some even say that people have seen glimpses of hidden tribes in this place, but you have no proof that they do exist.

"Why aren't their any tourists coming to this place? It's amazing..." You breath a question to the boat rower as you continue to take it all in.

"This island isn't exactly a tourist spot. It's a beautiful place yes, but many have gone missing from coming here. So do be careful." He warns but you don't feel particularly threatened.

You thank him and pay the fee of the ride as you hop off on to the lake side.

"Good luck." He sounds as if he were giving you a blessing and leaves just as quickly as you had arrived.

You continue to take various pictures of the exotic birds and monkeys until you feel a pair of eyes on the back of your head. You swivel around to catch a bush rustle, and you could have sworn you saw a hint of green, but you shrug it off and continue to explore.

At that moment you hear more rustling and before you know it, a couple of kids with sharp spears pointed at you emerge from them. Your heart rate quickens as you raise your hand above your head slowly.

"Okay. Okay. Easy with the spear there." You ease and try to communicate that you were not going to be a threat.

As you take a step forward, one of them hisses and jabs your arm quite sharply. You give a yelp as you instantly feel the blood dripping.

"Stop!" a commanding voice echoes and you turn your head towards the loud voice.

A tall green-headed man stood among the crowd of tribal men and women. He was dressed differently. His shawl was more cogent compared to the others. His face was decorated with obscure and byzantine designs that probably meant something you were unaware of. His body was naked from the upper torso, and he had a simple shawl that covered up his groin area discreetly. However, other than that, he was completely exposed to the humid air. You secretly admire his bulging muscles and athletic posture until you notice the numorous amounts of shrunken heads on his wooden staff.

You gulp as you look him in the eye for the first time. His eyes were emerald green and just as beautiful as the rest of his body.

'What are you doing here?" He asks in clear English. You were surprised that he knew the common tongue when clearly everyone else in his leadership did not.

"I just came to do my job...I take photos you see." You stammer and he raises an eyebrow slowly.

'You should not have come here. It is dangerous." He scowls coldly as he seemed to be judging your fate with his very eyes.

"Stay for the night. It is already late, darkness brings danger. Then leave when the sun rises and never return. You modernized humans will never understand the true authenticity of this island." He says harshly and you nod slowly.
"Show her a place to stay." He commands one of the villagers and he bows in utmost reverence.

That night you sit on the ground layered with straw and take in a deep breath as you admire the design and architecture.

At that moment, a hand pushes back the flaps of the teepee and you look up to see the green-haired man from before. You bow your head in respect and he waves you off nervously.

"You-you don't need to display such formality. Are..are you hurt?" He catches the sight of your bloody arm and you quickly conceal it.

"'s fine.." You shrug it off but his serious face sets in as he grabs your arm suddenly.

"Did you treat it?" He asks with his eyes smitten with fear.

"Eh? N-no. I don't have anything to-"

He immediately brings your arm up to his lips, and before you could say anything, he brings his lips to your arm and you feel a suction sensation.

He spits your blood out and wipes his mouth.

"The spear. It is coated with poison. I'm afraid it's already too late...I'm...I'm sorry." He dips his head down in shame and you quickly shake your hands.

"'s fine.. I kind of figured that out myself.." You say sheepishly.

"How do you take it so lightly? You might die..." He looks up at you; appalled.

"I think I'm okay with it...I saw such a beautiful island...and seen many things in my life..I'm pretty satisfied if I were to die today." You smile.

"You aren't like the others are you?" He breaths and coughs. "Only Oha Asa can save you now."

At that moment you feel the world tilt and fall straight down to the ground, if it wasn't for him catching you, you would have crashed face first.


The next moment you awake you feel like a whole new person. You get up slowly to find yourself surrounded by a few elders and the green-haired man in the middle. They all looked like they had seen a ghost...maybe you were a ghost?

You look down at your hands to see your arms decorated with beautiful designs, like the ones the tribe had, but yours was more detailed. You catch sight of your wound, which had healed.

"Oha Asa has healed her." One of the elders croaks and looks at the green-haired man.

"Midorima...she's the one." They nod. his name is Midorima.

You think as you get up to your feet to find out you were still a little weak. Your knees crumple and Midorima reaches out and wraps his arms around your waist protectively.

"You-you are..." He stammers as his cheeks redden.

"You are the chosen one." He breaths.

"St-stay with me.." He whispers as he draws his lips closer to yours, you reach up and cup his cheek as his lips make contact with yours.

From that day on, you were known as (Your Full Name) the Goddess's Chosen One.

Kuroko no Basket Imagines {Continued}.Where stories live. Discover now