The Blonde Barista.(Kise Ryouta)

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-This was inspired by the atmosphere of a Starbucks place I walked by today, inspiration is everywhere, you just have to notice it haha. Anyway, enjoy!-

  All day long you've been sitting at your desk. Your back and arms have stiffen over the course of your long work hours, but the paperwork just ends up piling higher and higher. By the time you force yourself to take a break, your legs are numb and a killer headache pounds at your temples. The clock ticks by in the dreaded room, and you intend to stare at it until it chimes to signal your departure. You catch a glimpse at your already cold coffee from this morning and wrinkle your nose. The surface has coagulated and it looks as unappetising as ever. You quickly dispose of it and grab your purse before heading out of the office. Your hoarse and tired voice calls out to your boss to let him know that you're taking your lunch break, and you leave the corporation building alone, separating yourself from the crowds of other employees who were planning to go to lunch together. You weren't interested in mingling or making friends, and that hasn't changed about you since high school.

  The sky is clear and the sun pounds down on your head, and you start to feel the heat. Your thick coat starts to become damp with sweat, and you frantically shield your eyes as you scramble to your designated destination. You don't even need to look up from the scorching pavement, because you know your way too well. The cafe is huddled up in the corner of the street, completely concealed by the shadows of the tall and modern buildings. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of people rush by it every day, not casting it a single glance. It's definitely not popular, but you appreciate how rustic it is, because you seem to be growing out of the bustling industrialisation and modernisation that threatened to take over the world.

  The glass door feels smooth to touch, and it responds with a welcoming jingle as you push it open with your comparatively small hands. The cold air greets you and you sigh happily as you are glad to have escaped the scorching hot humidity outside.  Summer is here, but sometimes the heat gets so overwhelming, that taking refuge at your usual coffee shop becomes a part of your daily routine. You tug at the buttons that dig into your neck and walk up to the counter weakly, your battered feet complaining in your high heels. You always spent your lunch breaks here, in a hidden cafe in the alleyway that nobody wants to go to. In fact, you're relieved that the place is not bustling with tourists and loud-mouthed people. It's a quiet and secluded place, but that's why you enjoy the atmosphere so much. You can relax in peace, without the forced smiles or the fake politeness you have to deal with every single day at work.

"Welcome, what can I get for you today?" a chirpy voice resonates in your ear and you look up in surprise to see an unusual face.

"Oh,hello." you greet awkwardly before peering over the counter to see if your usual barista is around. 

"You'll be having a (Your favourite drink to order at a coffee shop LOL) right? The boss mentions you all the time. I made sure to remember what you usually order." he smiles kindly before turning to make your drink. You try not to convince yourself that he has a sweet rear end, and force yourself to tear your indecent gaze off of his butt.

  You take this time to examine the man. His bright blonde hair somehow suited his personality, which was quirky and quite uplifting, like the sun perhaps. His eyes glow warmly whenever he glances back at you to make small talk. You somehow have trouble answering his questions, as you keep getting distracted by how attractive he looks.  His smile is so captivating, that it leaves you feeling the butterflies in your stomach. Your sharp eyes pick up on the name tag that is pinned to his apron.

Kise Ryouta.

"So you and boss are close?" he inquires with good nature as he pours your drink out in the familiar paper cup.

"We just see each other a lot because I come here everyday." you answer as you accept the drink gracefully.

  You take a cautious sip and sigh as the liquid sloshes down your throat, hitting the spot on the way down. Maybe you expected the drink to be off or different, since another pair of hands are making them today. But it tastes as amazing, maybe even better. The heat melts away and you start to feel more alive and rejuvenated. You don't even notice that the man is watching you with a big grin on his face. He leans over the counter, balancing his chin on his hands before peering into your face once again. You start to feel weary and self-conscious, when his perfect lips part as sweet words linger at the tip of his tongue.

"You're very beautiful, (Your Name)-san." he hums before his eyes crinkle up for another one off is cute smiles.

"U-um! Thanks, I guess." you bow bashfully as you feel the heat rise up into your face.

  You would love to stay and chat, but your work radar goes off the charts and propels you to glance at your watch. You gasp audibly at how fast time flew by and you quickly grab your food to go before hustling over to grab your purse. Kise watches your frantic face, and he throws his head back. His chest rises and falls with each gasp for air as beautiful laughter echoes around the small space. When he finally calms down, he wipes at his eyes before grinning at you for the last time. He throws you a small packet of the infamous homemade cookies before waving at you with his long and slender fingers.

"Come by anytime,(Your Name)." he suggest invitingly before shooing you away. "I'll always be your blonde barista!"

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