Conflicted Emotions.(Makoto Hanamiya LEMON)

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-Enjoy, and thank you for requesting! P.S It's Abbie's birthday today so wish her a Happy Birthday~-

  You were in a very strange relationship with Makoto Hanamiya. Everyone that knew about your relationship had been warning you constantly that whatever you both had would never last. Sometimes, you even wondered why on earth you had decided to go out with him. After all, it was you who confessed to him. You knew what kind of man he was. You also knew what he was capable of, you were shocked to see what kind of extremities he would take to get where he was, but that never nessescarily scared you away.

  When you convinced to him out of the blue, he had never given you a direct answer. Instead, he had backed you up against a wall; cornering you, before kissing you forcefully and roughly with his arms caging you in. A normal girl would have slapped him and ran away, but you kissed him back, because just like him, you hated to lose. After that, you just presumed that he had feelings for you, but that theory was slowly fading away as you spent more time with him.

  Now, you never really expected him to bring you roses and confess his undying love to you. Obviously, he was never that kind of man. However, you expected something more from him, something that you couldn't exactly pinpoint. You wanted him to show you that you belonged to him and him only, you wanted him to be committed to you and you only. Maybe it was your fault for desiring something that he couldn't give you.

  Nonetheless, you loved him with all your heart. Friends and family had mentioned how stupid you were to fall for someone like that, and that you would be hurt constantly. The thing was, you liked his personality. Even if he was categorized as sadistic, you saw something in him that no-one else did. He was human just like everyone else. You weren't quite sure if he loved you as much as you did, and that bothered you quite a bit.

    Now you've had sex with him before, maybe a little too soon in the relationship. You never regretted it though, because he made you feel so good that you craved more and more of him. But it got to a point where sex was almost meaningless, you both would just do it for the pleasure factor, and not for the emotional attachment that you wanted. So you refused to give him any, pushing him off of you every time a make out session was getting serious. At first he would brush it off and just leave, mentioning that he could just have sex with someone else that was willing to make him feel good. Despite what he had said, he never really did, of course, you didn't know he didn't mean it.

  Somehow, you were changing him, and Makoto could sense it in him. Not being able to touch you was almost driving him insane. He wanted you so badly, and it wasn't just because you were playing hard to get. He felt like you were something to conquer, and he wanted to chase after you until you begged to be dominated by him. Maybe it was his sadistic side, but he knew a part of him cared deeply for you, whether he wanted to or not. He tried to suppress these emotions and feelings until he couldn't take it anymore.

"Makoto? What are you doing here so la-" You weren't even allowed to finish your sentence before he pushes through the door; slamming it shut.

  He then proceeds to get closer to you, slamming his lips on yours before almost stealing away your breath. His kisses were aggressive and lustful as usual, but there was something about it that was different, there was passion in the way his lips moved. His hands trails down to your T-shirt as he pulls it off of you in one smooth motion. There was no need to struggle for any straps because you were already in your pajamas. Before you could even breath, you were undressed and he was in the process of taking off his jeans. The only sounds in the room were the clinking of his belt, and the gasps and pants from the previous make out session.

  After he was denuded himself, he presses on with his foreplay as he trails his sweet tongue along your neck, leaving sharp stings in the process with his teeth. You could almost feel the love bites manifesting on multiple areas of your collarbone. You feel his hand slither down to your clit before making you moan with his fingers. The pressure grows underneath his fingers, and you could feel yourself getting even more moist than before.

"Look at how wet you are for me." He whispers almost excitedly as he slips two fingers inside of you.

"Ahhh!" You cry out as he buries them deeper inside of you; the pleasure pumping through your veins.

"That's right..scream for me." He huffs as he presses himself against your body. Your hips reflexively match the pace of his pumping and buck accordingly until you see white spots dancing in your vision. Just as you arch your back to embrace the climax, he pulls his sodden fingers out of you before licking them. You groan in frustration as he had suspended your climax for the time being on purpose.

  It seemed that he had had enough with teasing you as he pulls your thighs apart slowly. He then positions his member on your walls before sliding it across your soaked clit, making you whimper again. He pushes himself inside of you with an excruciatingly slow speed. He was making sure that you felt every single movement as he penetrated you, which was not surprising of him to do. He begins to thrust into you without warning and the room is filled with your vociferations.

  You feel some of your juices sliding down your legs and dripping on to the bed. His thrusts were monstrous, just like he was. Over time, his propulsions begin to grow slow and careless and you knew that he was almost at his limit as well. However, instead of his speed decreasing, it increases into a pounding crescendo that was almost making you scream. The knot in your womb begins to grow again as your second orgasm grew closer. Your skins slapping against each other ran into your ears before you hear a loud grunt escape his lips as he buries himself deeper inside of you to release his seed. You feel yourself getting filled up to the brim as you shut your eyes tightly; concentrating on the growing heat from your lower area. Despite having cum already, Makoto rides you out and is able to orgasm for the second time as your walls tighten around him in your own climax. You feel your infused  fluids leak out on to the bed as you try to steady your rising chest by breathing slowly.

  Makoto stares down into your eyes before lowering his body down to your lips and kissing you once again. His usual harsh kisses were gone for the moment, as his lips are more softer and loving. Maybe this was all a dream. He pulls your body into his own before falling asleep first. He was probably exhausted as you were, since he had just came over out of the blue during the middle of the night. You had not exchanged a single word, yet you knew that he loved you. If he hadn't cared for you, he would never had taken the time to come all the way over to your place. He had craved you and you only.

"I really really love you ..Makoto." You whisper into his ear as you wrap your arms around his neck before falling asleep.

   Makoto listened to your slow breathing as he opened his eyes slowly. He had heard what you had whispered into his ear, and he mouthes the same words before pulling you closer to him. Maybe someday, he would be able to let go of all these conflicted emotions and just tell you to your face.


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