Family.(Murasakibara Atsushi)

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-Here is your update for the day! Enjoy!-

"Mursakibara Atsushi! We're going to be late!" You grab his shoulder and shake him furiously enough that you actually wake him up. He was such a heavy sleeper, it wasn't exactly an easy task.

"Ehhh...5 more minutes (Your Name)-chin.." He murmurs as he begins to doze off again.

"Nope! I learnt my lesson last time I allowed you to have that 5 minutes! You're going to make me create a bad impression to your family! Come on! They invited us for lunch remember?" You try to lift him up, but fail as he was like heaps more heavier than you were.

"Fineee..." He mumbles again as he finally pulls himself up as he scratches the back of his head. You hand him a hair tie and he silently sits at the edge of the bed while tying his hair in his pony tail.

  Just as you predicted, you both were fashionably a little late to arrive at his parents' home. That was just because your boyfriend kept forgetting to bring the things he was supposed to, eating up most of the time that you had reserved to get there. As soon as you both wait at the front door after ringing the door bell, you cannot help but feel very nervous about meeting his parents for the first time.

(I don't really know what his parents look like because they don't mention anything. So I'll be making it up so don't be mad at me guys LOL.)

The door finally opens to reveal a surprisingly short woman standing at the door with a big smile on her face. You notice that she had beautiful lilac hair, almost identical to Atsushi's. Judging by her wise-looking face, she was his mother.

"Atsushi! It's been quite some time! Oh! Hello (Your Name)! I heard a lot about you! Please! Come in!" She greeted you pleasantly as she pat her son on the bottom as if he were a kid.

"T-thank you! It's very nice to meet you!" You realized that you stammered a little and your cheeks automatically flush even redder than it was previously.

" are very beautiful! I'm jealous!" She teases gently as she leads you into the living room.

On the couch, there were three men tapping away on the console set with a bunch of snacks surrounding them. all of them were still pretty massive, even if they were hunched over, so you knew instantly that they were Atsushi's older brothers.

"Hey! Share the chips!" One of them reaches for the packet of crisps but the other refuses to let out.

"Teme! You ate all my Pocky yesterday!" The other growls.

"I don't care...I'm older than you!" 

"Stop!!! GIVE IT BACK!!"

"Boys....this is (Your Name)...she's our guest BEHAVE PLEASE." Their mother, who was smiling and chirpy up until a second ago, had a dangerous aura around her despite her cheery face and they both instantly stop their quarreling.



"Nice to meet you."

They give you simple greetings and you bow lightly.

"Honey! Atsushi's girlfriend is here! Come on down!" 

At that moment, you look up at the stairs to find a huge titan-like umbrage with an immensely scary aura that brought a chill up your spine. You gulp and watch as he makes his way down, making himself grow even taller than he appeared to be above you. You had to crane your neck upwards to greet what appeared to be your boyfriend's father.

"Son!!!!!" He roars as he charges for Murasakibara. He then gives him a big bear hug that leaves you with sweat dropping off nervously.

"Dad stop it. You're scaring (Your Name)-chin," He mumbles. "I'm kinda hungry..."

"Ah! I'll go set the table! Dinner's all ready!" his mother skips off.

"Well it's nice to meet you (Your Name)! Please take care of our son, he can a handful sometimes." Despite his tough appearance, his father was actually really nice. He had the "Big heart" kind of aura around him once you get to know him a little.

Just when you think the introductions are all over, you are tackled to the ground by a bull-like force and you let out a small yelp in complete surprise. 

"(YOUR NAME)!!! I finally get to meet you! You're really pretty girlfriend!! I love your outfit!" The figure above you chirps on and on until Atsushi pulls you up from the behind.

"This is my older sister. She's working in the fashion industry." he mumbles; acting a little bored of all the introducing.

  Finally, the whole family enjoys a hearty and homemade meal that you thought was amazing. Since Murasakibara hated eating his greens, they tried to avoid it completely. It was a staggering 4 course meal with cream stew, Dolsot Bibimbap, and Squid Ink Pasta, followed by a small cake to share for dessert.

"There's carrots in my rice." Atsushi wrinkles his nose in distaste.

" have to eat your greens Atsushi...or where would you get your nutrients.." You nag unconsciously until you notice the family staring at you in awe as you force him to eat his piece of carrot.

"I you are capable of yelling at him. Atsushi was never convinced by any of us to eat his vegetables, and I have to say that I'm impressed that you managed to accomplish that!" His father comments as his mother chuckles.

"N-not at all! I mean-" You begin to shake your hands in front of you; quickly denying it.

"He must really love you. Which isn't surprising because you're pretty hot." One of his brothers throws out and quickly turns back to his food as your boyfriend sends him a series of death glares while chewing his food.

"B-Betsu ni..." Atsushi mumbles.

After dinner, you started from nervous and out of place, to comfortable and somewhat welcomed into his nice family. As it was getting late, you both decide to head back to your apartment and they all see you guys off at the door.

"Take good care of (Your Name) too Atsushi..." They remind him in a scolding manner and he nods before holding your hand tightly in his.

"I will."


Dear Readers,

I hope you enjoyed! Bruh 1036+ words. 



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