Their Reaction To You Scaring Them. (GoM)

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Kuroko would have no reaction as he slowly turns around with a neutral expression that morphs into a slightly annoyed one as he asks you what on earth you were up to.

A few weeks later, he would unexpectedly scare the crap out of you and he would laugh silently with his back to you as you demanded that it was un-fair.


"ARGHHH!" You scream on the top of your lungs next to Kise's ear as you prepare for an even louder scream.

WAHHHHHH!!" He shrieks as his body spasms and he is thrown out of the bed and on to the ground with a big thud.

As you hold your stomach in pain from laughing, you peer over the edge to see Kise holding his nose, which was bleeding from contact with the floor.

"Y-you're so mean (Your Name)-icchi..." He mopes as he grabs a handful of the tissues on the bed stand.


"WAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" You jump out of the corner you were hiding behind, expecting Aomime to scream like a baby.

Instead, you realize you made a grave mistake a second too late as his fists instinctively swings and makes contact with your face.

His punch was so forceful that you are knocked to the ground; unconscious.

You were then put in the hospital with a hardcore concussion with Aomine scratching his head guiltily, but he was also really mad about it too.

"Teme...You should know better than to fling yourself at a 85kg man. Don't do that fucking shit again, next time you probably won't be so lucky."


Just as you were about to throw yourself on to Akashi to scare him. He catches your hand and spins you around, causing you to land in his arms as if in a finale of a dance.

"Don't even try (Your Name)." He purrs as you pout at the fact that you could never scare him.

You take a deep breath and put on your best horrified face as you look behind him.

"What the hell is that!?" You squeal and he spins around in alarm.

You smirk as you know he was only just human.



"BOOWAHHHH!" You scream out to Atsushi, who was taking a nap beside you.

He doesn't react and you just begin to leave; a little disappointed at the fact that it didn't work. However, as soon as you begin to get off the bed, he lunges out suddenly and grabs you under the duvet, earning a surprised yell from you.

"That wasn't very nice (Your Name)-chin. It's not nice to wake someone up from a nap, especially when they're having a good dream." He mumbles as he traps you underneath him with his long ass arms.

"I'm sorry Atsushi." You laugh as his hair tickles your face.

"You have to pay for what you have done (Your Name)-chin." He whispers almost teasingly as he lowers his lips to yours.


"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW!" You hurtle yourself at your megane boyfriend and instantly he jumps almost 5 feet away from you as he scrambles away.

"WAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" He roars.

He was so spooked, that he trips over his own feet and lands on his rear, prepared to attack with his lucky item, which was a bundle of stuffed animals. He realizes soon after that it was just you as he glares at you laughing so hard with tears in your eyes.

"Oh god. I haven't heard you scream like that since the match with Rakuzan." You say in between gasps for air.

He gets up on to his feet again and towers over you with his glasses glistening in menace. Just as he tries to grab you, you take off into a run in the opposite direction and he hurtles after you. Of course, being the more athletic one between the two of you, he catches up in a blink and tackles you to the ground as he begins to tickle your most weakest spots.

Before you know it, the both of you were panting and he suddenly stops to find his hand ridden inside your shirt, as he trails his hands along your waist with red cheeks.

"I'll get you back..nandayo."


I know that the gif has nothing to do with this oneshot, but Shintaro looked too cute LOL. ah :.)

Anyway, hope you enjoyed!



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