Worry.(Midorima Shintaro)

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-Someone with a sprained arm requested this, I hope you enjoy! Also, get better soon LOL.-

  You quickly change into your school gym shoes before hopping along the already empty hallway. As you enter your classroom, you spot your boyfriend in the corner with such a serious look on his face. Before you know it, you have this big and stupid grin on your face and he looks up just in time to see it.

"What are you smiling at, nanodayo?" he calls out with an annoyed frown, but you can already see his cheeks flaring up.

"You probably know that answer as well as I do." you tease mercilessly before ruffling his hair roughly.

"No. In fact, I do not." he breathes out an exasperated sigh while fixing his messy hair back to it's original state.

"It's just nice seeing you first thing in the morning." you compliment him as you take your designated seat before turning to him again with a foolish smirk.

"Stop saying soppy things like that in public." he mumbles incoherently as he hitches his glasses up in embarrassment.

"So you're saying that I can say stuff like that when I'm alone with you? Is that what you're implying?" you giggle softly and his face contorts in frustration.

"Th-that's not what I meant, and you know that."

"Whatever you say, Shintaro." you wink at him and turn away from him as the teacher enters the classroom to start class.

    Just as you immerse yourself into the classwork assignment, you don't notice Midorima practically staring at your back. He may not show it, but he's actually really into you. He smiles secretively and covers his flushed face with his textbook in case you turned around to catch him red-handed. But you don't turn around again in class, and Midorima's heart twitches in disappointment. He craves for your never-ending attention, but it'll probably take him a million years to admit it and crack his tough outer demeanour.

"It's so cold!" you whine to yourself as you shove your numb hands into your jacket.

"Where's your jacket, you should've brought it." his voice resonates deeply in his throat, and you turn around to stick a middle finger in his face. "Besides, it's still summer."

"I left it in the classroom," you whisper and hold on to your elbows whilst you shiver.

     It's still summer, but it's been raining like mad lately and the wind blows right through your thin uniform. The biting cold chills your body and you try to participate in the warm-ups, but your rigid muscles don't comply. You see Midorima through the corner of your eye, and he seems to be feeling fine. His long muscular legs stretch out elegantly as he listens to the the teacher's instructions with utmost precision. You roll your eyes and lick your crackled lips as you continue to struggle on. The torturous session finally ends, and you crouch down on the gravel as your coach announces that today's activity is basketball. You lament to yourself about how being outside and doing something productive was never your thing to begin with as you pant slightly. That's when you feel a presence in front of you, and you look up slowly to see your boyfriend glancing down at you with disapproval.

"You're literally so unfit." he sighs tactlessly and you wave him off with your hand.

"Shut up, you think I don't know that?" you huff back as you both put on different coloured pinnies.

  You mentally roll your eyes as you realise that you're on opposite teams. It's blatantly obvious as to which team is going to win, with a basketball prodigy as your opponent, there is probably no hope for someone like you. Even so, you try your best with everybody else. Soon enough, your body is warmed up and heated from all the running. You finally feel alive for once, and just as you grab the ball to do a lay-up, someone crashes straight into you and you black out instantly.

  The collision must've been really strong, because when you open your eyes again, you're limbs are sprawled outwards on the dirty ground. A few students come bounding over with the coach, and one of them is Midorima Shintaro himself. As you bring your arms back in to push yourself off the ground, you feel an excruciating pain in your arm and let out a small whimper automatically. Shintaro's by your side immediately, and you feel his arms wrap around your shoulders protectively. As you let out a small shriek when he leans against your injury, tears spring into your eyes and your boyfriend flinches back automatically. 

"Shit, I'm sorry (Your Name)." he whispers a curse word that he never usually says with worry and you nod at him shakily to let him know that you're okay. "Can you stand?"

  He helps you up carefully and notices your body trembling. His heart clenches down in as he feels panicked. He remembers how he felt when he saw the horrible collision happen right before his eyes, and to see you just laying there motionless, it really scared him in the heat of it all. He quickly grabs his sweater from the bleachers and wraps it around your shoulders gently. He wipes away your tears with his large thumb before leading you out towards the nurse's office. Your head rings with alarm bells at how kindly he is treating you, but you don't say anything as he looks really really upset. You don't really understand why he's so angry, after all, it was just an accident. Shortly after delivering you off into the capable hands of the school doctor, he leaves just as quickly as he arrived in complete utter silence. You don't even have enough time to thank him.

  After numerous visits to multiple hospitals for x-rays and check-ups, they reveal that you just have a bad sprain and that it should heal over time. You struggle to put on you uniform and to eat breakfast the next day, and end up being really late for class. They let you off with a warning, and you just happen to lock eyes with your boyfriend while you bow to your teacher sheepishly. Maybe it's just you, but his eyes sort of glimmer with relief. He looks away though, and you do too.

"Hey, Takao?" you murmur softly into your classmate's ear during lunch. "Do you think Midorima's mad at me?"

"No, why do you ask?" he is quite loud and you shoot him a menacing glare and he quietens down immediately. "He was really worried about you, you know?"


"I mean, you should've seen his face when he saw you on the ground yesterday. He went all pale and everything. After you got sent home, he was fretting to me so much that I thought he'd pass out!"

"I did not." Midorima's voice booms behind you, and you jump straight out of your skin.

  He takes a seat next to you with his tray and starts to eat in silence. But you notice how cautious he is about touching your bandaged arm and you suddenly feel really relieved that he's back to normal. You lean over him and peck him on the cheek before anyone can notice, and he starts to choke on his red bean dessert.

"W-what was that for?!"

"That was for worrying about me."

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