Call Me Sensei.(Imayoshi Shoichi)

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(-cringes at gif and  shuts Imayoshi's eyes slowly..- You look better with your shut eyes bro.)

"(Your Name). This was really disappointing." Your teacher shakes his head as he places your previous test on your table before moving along to the other students.

  You sigh as you shove the test into your folder. It was quite depressing that you didn't do well in that test. You had studied hard for it, but math was just not your forte. Just as you get ready to heave another heavy sigh, you see a shadow in front of you and look up to see Imayoshi leaning against the back of his hair. His raven strands of hair tickle your face slightly as he balances on the only two legs of his chair while leaning back towards you.

"Another bad test (Your Name)? Ara ara.." He says it passively enough, yet you could hear the teasing tone in his voice.

"Shut up." You grumble as you shove his head back roughly, making him lose his balance. You watch calmly as he wobbles dangerously before almost falling to the ground if it wasn't for his fast reflexes. Maybe it was just you, but you swore you saw his eyes open slightly in alarm. However, you just shake it off before burying your face into the table.

"You know, if you want someone to help you study. There's always this handsome and smart man right here." He points at himself with his finger as he smirks. You roll your eyes and stick your tongue out at him.

  The next test comes along, and you had still failed it after studying a whole week in advance. That's when you decide that you had enough, and begin to find Imayoshi after classes. You approach him hesitantly and poke his shoulder to grab his attention.

"Ah..(Your Name). Let me guess, you've finally realized how handsome and smart I am?" He chuckles and you pull a disgusted face.

"Ew no, but I will take up your offer on teaching me math..if you want to that is." You murmur quietly.

"Hmm..I guess that's fine, but only on one have to call me sensei." 


  A few days later, you run to the announcement board as you run your finger along your class roster. You finally find your name and slide it horizontally, your shoulder slumps automatically as you realize that you had just a little more to pass. That was probably your breaking point. It was just not fair that you had tried so hard, yet you weren't getting anywhere. 

  Before the stinging tears well in your eyes, you feel a hand being put on your shoulder and turn your head to find Imayoshi smiling down at you.

"You tried hard (Your Name). Don't give up." he nods seriously for once but that irritates you a lot more than the actual score.

"YOU MADE ME CALL YOU SENSEI ALL NIGHT YESTERDAY AND I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO-" You stop yourself adruptly as you realize that everyone was looking at you with a shocked face. You then realize that what you had said was interpreted the wrong way. "No...that's not what I meant.." You try to correct yourself but it was already too late.

"Ara ara..(Your Name). You didn't have to go shouting such embarrassing things." 


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