They React To You Having Cancer.(GoM)

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-Thank you for requesting! First day of school was boring af and tiring, it's just the first day and I'm already fed up of it LOL.-


"W-what do you mean (Your Name)?" Kuroko's voice wavers slightly as he acted as if he couldn't believe his ears.

"I have cancer...Kuroko!" You cannot help but exclaim the cruel truth as the tears begin to spill over.

  You cover your face with your hands as the ugly sobs escape your lips. It was so unimaginable, that it almost seemed unreal. However, the sad truth was that reality would never change. You knew that your life was going to change heavily, and you knew that you couldn't be the same girl you were before. The main thing that was bothering you so much, was what he would think of you. You knew that Kuroko was never the kind to leave someone like that, but the fact that he was going to have to suffer along with you broke your spirit even more.

"I..I think we should end this Tetsu..I..I can't let you go through seeing me like this. The last thing I want you to think of me as is a burden." You sob silently until you feel a soft cushiony embrace wrap around your body.

"I will never leave you (Your Name)-chan."


  As you break the horrifying news to Kise, you could barely stand to watch his face and soul crumble right in front of you. He takes a seat next to you on the couch as he buries his face into his hands. The room was painfully silent, until he finally lifts his head up. Kiss's usual smile had disappeared, and was now replaced with a sorrowful expression that almost looked painful. He didn't care about the tears running silently down his high cheeks as he turns his head to you silently as you reach out gently to cup his cheek; brushing away endless tears. You then open you mouth to say something.

"Kise..I think this is a sign that we should just go out separate ways." You whisper as you swallow a painful lump in your throat.

"Wh-what are you talking about?" He answers almost in horror.

"I don't want you to get hurt when I-" as you bring yourself to say the word that  you never thought you would be saying anytime soon, the tears begin to coil as you look down. You feel hands cup your cheek almost roughly; bringing them to his own salty lips.

"Don't you ever say that..I'll always be by your side."


"This-this has to be a fucking joke ri-right? Tell me you're fucking joking." Aomine demands; completely in denial as he tugs at the ends of his blue hair in complete shock.

  As you fail to answer him, he paces the room dangerously and you could hear his breathing escalating louder and faster. Aomine was the kind of guy to resort to anger when he was cornered or troubled. He has always been a violent kid from the start, but it was more of a way of release than actually wanting to hurt someone. You flinch as his arm swings out as he pushes everything off the table; flipping it in the process. He then crumbles to the ground in total defeat as he leans his head against the wall. His angry tears were clearly visible; running down his closed lids as he suddenly grows silent. Watching him act like this had not only shocked you, but it also made you feel so guilty for making him suffer along with you.

"I-I'm so sorry...I'm so so sorry...Aomine..I-"you sob as you sink into his arms.

"I don't want to lose you (Your Name)...I just...I just can't."


"(Your Name). If this is some sick joke, it isn't funny." Akashi reacts cautiously, his hands across his chest.

"I'm not fucking joking Sei..why the hell would I joke about something like this?!" You cannot help but raise your voice at the fact that he thought you were playing a joke on him when it was indeed very serious.

" it serious?" Akashi wavers, running a hand through his hair sharply. He had never faltered with his words before, and now there he was, losing the total composure that he once controlled. You hear the breath in Akashi's throat hitch as you nod slowly; the hopeless tears springing in your own eyes.

"The cancer has already-" You begin but you're interrupted by Akashi rummaging through his bag in search of something.

"I refuse to lose hope and give up on you, I'm contacting every doctor I know. There has to be a way-" He demands as he begins to walk away from you, his phone to his ear instantly.

"Sei-" You try to stop him by placing a hand on his cheek, but he flinches away in complete blind anger.

"How could you give up like this (Your Name)?! I don't know what I'd do if I lost you, so please, just let me do this." he pleads; his eyes coiling with his own tears.


  Midorima storms into the house angrily in search of your presence. He had been working at his hospital as usual, but he had discovered something that almost made his heart stop. At that moment, the only thought he had was to get home to you.

"Hey Shintaro, why are you back so ear-" You begin to get up on to your feet when he places a document folder on the desk furiously.

"When were you going to tell me." He breaths as you realize that he had found out about your illness.

"I was going to tell you soon Shintaro...really! I just found out too!" You defend yourself hopelessly. You could tell that he was really upset.

"You should have told me immediately after you found out! Do you think I don't care about you!?" He shouts angrily and you flinch at his tone. He had never yelled at you like this in your whole life.

"What was I supposed to say?! Oh Shintaro! By the way, I have Stage Three Cancer!" You cannot help but let the tears explode, you had been hiding your emotions for way too long, and this was your breaking point. There is silence in the room, and you just couldn't watch as he coped with the shock that was essentially because of you."I'm leaving." You whisper as you begin to walk away to pack your bag. At that moment, a hand grabs your wrist as you try to walk past him; making you stay rooted in your spot.

"I-I'm sorry (Your Name). I didn't mean to shout at you like I did. Just let me help you (Your Name). I'm never good at telling you how I truly feel, but you know that I care deeply for you. (Your Name). You need to trust me on this. I don't want to lose you." His voice wavers, and when you look up at his face, you see the tears streaming down his face.


  As soon as you broke the news to your purple-haired boyfriend, it didn't even take long before the information sunk in. It did take some time explaining what was going on, but as soon as it did, the man that was always tall and intimidating suddenly shrank into someone who seemed just as scared as any other person would be. People often forget that Atsushi was still human, and that he had emotions that were pure. His body hunches over as his hair hides his face well. You could hear the ugly sobs and also see his large broad shoulders shaking violently. Seeing him so upset made your own tears spill.

"(Your Name)-chin..please don't leave me.." He whimpers as he brings your body into his own; cradling you softly. "This is not fair (Your Name)-chin..I don't want you to feel pain." 

"I'm so sorry Atsushi..I don't know what to do either." You sob. Atsushi takes note of how upset you truly were and hugs you even tighter.

"It's okay (Your Name)-chin..I'll never ever leave you."


Dear Readers,

I hope you enjoyed! It's my first day of school so I don't have any homework. This took like an hour to complete LOL...1347 words xD. I hope you enjoyed!



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