Farewells.(Kise Ryouta LEMON)

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 -Here you go, I bet you were all thirsty for some Kise action. ;)-

  Kise may have seemed like a pretty boy that was naive down to the bone. However, you know that there was more to him than his explicit ability to copy and his gorgeous looks. His mind was full of complex thoughts on how to better himself. He was never as fast and agile as Aomine ever was, nor had he the advantage of the shooting accuracy that Midorima possessed. Unlike a few of his friends that were now his rivals, he had many weaknesses. Kise's outside presence was the pretty boy model that seemed to have no problems, but his inside presence consisted of loneliness and anger bottled up deep in him.

  Kise met you at a small party for new-coming models. He was pretty much forced to attend and you happened to bump into him whilst spilling his wine all over his shirt. Naturally, he smiled it off and you two began to chat it up. You weren't sure if it was his natural ability to seduce a woman, or the fact that he seemed really interesting that made you want to get to know him. In the end, you ended up exchanging numbers to find out that he was Kise Ryouta, the model that you found was an inspiration.

  Surprisingly enough, he called you first, and the first date went smoothly and perfectly. You couldn't help but feel drawn to him even more. It was like he was a closed book that needed reading to figure out. After a couple of other dates, he finally asked you out and you gladly accepted. Your relationship was inseparable. Despite his busy schedule's with photo shoots and basketball games, you two somehow managed to pull off some time each day to talk to each other. Sometimes, you would just talk on the phone for hours, or Skype call through the whole night. It was that kind of relationship where you really loved one another.

   Your relationship with Ryouta flourished for many years until you were both already at the end of third year in high school. You two were heading off to different universities and had to be separated. At first, you tried to ignore the fact, and just spend as much time with him as possible, but time wasn't waiting for anybody and was flying fast. The day came where you decided to sleep over at Kise's house. He was catching his flight the next day, and you knew you had to decide what was going to happen with the two of you.

"What's going to happen between us?" You ask softly as you rub your hand on his chest in circles while he plays with your hair in silence.

"What do you mean?" His hand stops for a while as you hear the frown in his voice.

"I mean...we're both going to be apart for god knows how long. How are we going to do this?" you whisper and Kise suddenly pushes you down on his bed and pins you down.

"No matter how far apart we are. We'll always be together, and I want to remember you tonight." He whispers as he begins to kiss your neck. He cradles your face in his hands and kisses you over and over again, as if to convince you that nothing was going to bring you apart, and it was working.

Your mind goes blank as he throws off his shirt, he then helps you get rid of your top too, increasing the skin to skin contact. His hand trails down your waist as he hooks your underwear between his thumb. He slips it off easily and you help him do the same.

He presses his bulge against your womb making you shiver in lust. You were both panting now, and both in need for each other. As he penetrates, you cannot help but let out a yelp and he groans as your walls greet him with your heat. He begins to thrust in you at painfully slow speed and you beg him to go faster, in which he obeys.

  Throughout the night, you exchanged various positions. You rode him at one point, and he pleasured you from the behind at another. Each orgasm was unlike the previous, even better to say the least. 

Kise thrusts hard one last time and spurts his remaining seeds on to your belly, some of his splattering on your face too. He rides your orgasm out, then holds you closely as you shiver and spasm with pleasure. You two stayed together for a few minutes before you decide to shower before bed. Just as you get off the bed, he holds on to your hand and looks up at you with his golden eyes. His face still sweaty from a moment ago.

"You know I love you right (Your Name)?" He whispers almost on the verge of tears.

You bite your lip to stop yourself from crying as you remember that he would be gone by the time you awoke and force a small smile.

"I know, and I love you more." You whisper back as you kiss him once more before turning your back to him to head into the shower.

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