They React to You Masturbating. (GoM)

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-warning! Sexual content up ahead!-


  Kuroko's never really the type to initiate intimacy in your relationship. Sure, when the time was appropriate he would go out of his way to pleasure you, but your relationship ran on pure and raw emotion. It simply didn't need the reinforcement of anything physically most of the time. So whenever you needed to relieve yourself, you'd tend to do it in complete privacy. You didn't want him to feel any kind of guilt for his own decisions not to touch you as often as you would like him to. But that all changed when he found you pleasuring yourself with your hidden toys.
  His eyes widen at first, but complete composure follows through right afterwards. You scramble to explain yourself with blood shooting to your face, but he doesn't let you finish before reaching down to the helms of his shirt to pull it off of his well-toned body. His legs extend forward and he pulls your trembling body closer before whispering in your ear.

"Now that I think about it, we haven't done it in a while. Have we?"


  Kise's always away for work. He's constantly halfway across the country for almost months at a time due to his busy modeling career. It's blatantly obvious how alive your sex life is when he's home with you. But that's a totally different story when he's not. You have no other choice but to either pleasure yourself (which you don't do often to begin with.) or abstain to hellish celibacy until he returns to your side. It's on one of those nights where you couldn't contain yourself, where Kise decides to come home without letting you know. He was hoping to surprise you, but he was totally not prepared for you to return the favor with such a sight.

"(Your Name)...when did you get all these t-toys? And you never used them with me?!"


  As a sexually frustrated young teenager in a subordinate relationship, you had to resort to secretive sessions with yourself for physical pleasure as Midorima refused to touch you until you were legal. He was a fresh example of a new figure in society that just started contributing to the world. With him just completing his internships as an assistant doctor, there was no time to fool around in his book. To add to that, falling in love with a minor still in high school adds to his elusiveness in terms of sex. But as his shift ends earlier than expected, he didn't expect to see you touching yourself. His face grows almost crimson as he averts his gaze quickly. He clutches his nose tightly as a stream of blood is triggered by such a sight.

"Oh god, (Your Name)! Wha-what. Where did you get a VIBRATOR NANODAYO?!?!"


  Murasakibara's never really in the mood to engage in any bedtime action with you lately. This is due to him being immensely sleepy most of the time. Combining his part-time job with his endless basketball training sessions meant that he had virtually no time for you anymore. Your relationship still manages to stay healthy thought, as interactions alone were sustainable enough. However, you couldn't cope with the absence of him any longer, and when you decide to engage in private pleasure, Murasakibara decides to come visit you earlier during the process. He doesn't seem to understand what is going on until he notices the your (Your Favourite Color) panties on the ground. His lips curl up into a cheeky smile as he proceeds to tie his hair up as if he's preparing to do something.

"(Your Name)-chin, those dildos look like lollipops." he chuckles good-naturedly before turning serious again. "But I can be the only thing that pleasures you."


  Akashi is a very dignified man. He'd never lay a hand on you as he wanted to respect you as his woman. Besides, even if he wanted to do anything together, he wouldn't be able to due to his very hectic schedule. Being the next heir to a massive multimillionaire company had its perks, but also had many downsides too. You don't really have much of a choice but to resort to your own ability to pleasure yourself when he's not around. You keep it hidden away and remain secretive about it due to the fear of ruining his perspective of you. But you didn't really expect to react in the way that he did when he caught you right as you were about to climax.

He loosens his tie before licking his lips subtly, his eyes light up with a certain fire of amusement you've never seen before.

"If you wanted me so badly, you should ask me to relieve you, (Your Name). Maybe even beg a little."


  It's not like Aomine didn't try to pleasure you every single hour of the day. In fact, he'd never stop pestering you about wanting to get down on you. Christmas had just passed, and he managed to get his hands on a few toys before handing them over to you as a prank. However, he doesn't really know that you've kept them for purposes that are none but sinful. You enjoy pleasuring yourself, it gives you a sense of confidence and relief that you are so in tune with your body in terms of sexual health. Furthermore, it feels good. Aomine comes home one day after a hard day of making rounds and handing out tickets as a cop to see you completely undressed with your favourite gadget  plunged deep inside of you. Aomine lets out a long and low whistle before stripping down immediately before smirking away at you.

"Glad to know you're putting those to good use." he purred. "But it's my turn now."

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