Daddy. (Midorima Shintaro LEMON)

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-This contains sexual content! I hope you enjoy! Posted early today, because why not lol.-

  You hear Midorima shuffling downstairs after clicking the door open. As a hardworking doctor at the private hospital nearby, his shifts end late pretty much everyday. Since you both work from morning till late, there is hardly any time for the two of you to touch let alone make love. By the time he gets home, you're usually passed out cold from an exhausting day at work. And on rare occasions where you're not, he's just not on in the mood due to stress from dealing with multiple patient cases at the same time. Today is your anniversary, and you are determined to stay awake to give him some love to rekindle the previous passion you both once had.

"I'm home." he sighs as he enters the bedroom to greet you with a small kiss to the temple.

  Before he can pull back, you loop your arms around his muscular neck and nuzzle into his collarbone, inhaling his cologne with such desire. Midorima isn't surprised, but secretly relieved that he is able to spend some time focusing on you and you only. His worries for work dissipate and his mind floods with such impure yet loving thoughts on what to do with your body. He breaths against your neck, and drops fluttering kisses behind your ear before trailing his hot lips down to your upper chest. His large hands peel back your satin robe to reveal your already naked body. Midorima almost chuckles as he realizes that you had been ready and waiting for his return.

"I missed you...ohhhhh!" you yelp mid-sentence as his tongue swivels around the most sensitive area of your breasts.

  His free hands trail down to your damp lower slit and you go breathless as his fingers begin to make their way inside of you. You feel your juices flowing down your thighs, coating them in sticky residue. Midorima detaches his lips from your swollen teats and molds them on to yours, rolling his tongue over yours. This kiss leaves you desperate for more, and luckily enough, Midorima is also at the peak of his lust.

  He begins to strip off his clothing one at a time, and you never lose his gaze as you watch every single move until he lays himself bare to you. His throbbing erection leaves you dazed as it stands tall and inviting.

  You don't exchange a single word as you slink towards it with your hands outstretched. You feel Shintaro shiver as you wrap your cold fingers around his shaft. When you start to pump, his hips buck forward in sync to your hands. Before he can crash, you pull your swollen lips over his tip and dip your tongue into the slit of his cock. He pulls your hair gently before pulling the back of your head closer to him and you feel another spurt of pre-cum coating the innards of your mouth. The veiny bumps rake against your teeth and tears stream down your face as you attempt to control your gag-reflex. His balls tighten, and his thigh muscles flex in response as he throws his head back with a large groan. Seconds after, you feel the clumps of his hot semen spurting into your mouth. You lap it up before locking eyes with his as you swallow hard. Some of it drips out through the corner of your lips, and his cheeks flush red in total embarrassment.

  You push him down on to the bed and watch him for a few minutes as he leans against the bedframe. His chest rises rapidly as he tries to recover from your successful handjob. Sweat trickles down the nape of his neck and down to his pecs, it glistens underneath the warm evening light. You don't give him much time to recuperate, as you begin grinding yourself against his cock again, you feel it grow stiff as the stimulation sends his nerves soaring high.

  His breath hitches and another moan resonates in the room, and you cannot help but grin in satisfaction. It seems that he cannot uphold your teasing any longer, as he grips your hips before pulling them down on to his swelling member. You arch your back as his massive length and girth stretches you out to the max. He grits his teeth against your shoulder and he allows you to adjust to his cock disappearing into your body. You sink down onto him and whimper as your bottom hits his thighs.

  Midorima begins setting his pace as his thrusts grow from soft and slow to hard and fast. This crescendo of his pounding is accompanied by the lewd skin slapping and the cacophony of his low grunts with your high cries of pleasure. He slams his hips against yours as he dips his head to lock lips with you. Your whimpers vibrate against his lips as you submit to his body. Shintaro pulls your hips down with such force, that you feel your lower half complaining. His rhythm shifts and you notice him getting sloppier and weaker by the minute, so you help by bouncing up and down. He relocates his hands to both of your breasts as they jiggle with each thrust. He gives them a tentative squeeze before burying himself into you. Raking your nails through his back as you feel your womb clench down on him, and he makes a choking noise while his whole body shudders. You feel his load filling you up, and the earth finally stops spinning as your cunt pulses whilst your vision fades to black. Shivers of electricity run up your spine as it arches. Midorima feels your small and unpredicted jerks as he rides your orgasm out.

  When he pulls out, your mixed juices flow out with him and you twitch. He lets out a satisfied sigh before pulling your waist towards his. Midorima has a tendency to grow soft after a round of sex, so you take his opportunity to tease him some more.

"You are amazing in bed, daddy." you purr and feel his arms automatically stiffen at the foreign word.

"D-don't call me that!"

"Why? You seem to like me calling you that." You hum against his neck as you run your thumb along his now-erect cock.
"See? You're already hard again."

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