Relief.(Hyuuga Junpei)

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  Hyuuga Junpei had his eyes on you from the very start of the year. His first encounter with you was rather bizarre and unexpected. You were running away from a group of girls that were looking for trouble, and happened to run smack into him in the process. He was about to give you a piece of his mind, but he quickly caught sight of the scratches welling with blood on your face. When his eyes met yours, his first impression of you quickly dispersed. A choked cry forced itself out of your throat, and Hyuuga watched a tear run down your cheek. It seemed like it was the end of the world for you, but that's when he decided to protect you.

"It's nothing. I'm sorry for the trouble."

  That was what you said to him when he asked why you were chased.  Your face was perfectly masked over after you regained your composure. When just a few minutes earlier, you were shivering and cowering away with great fear. You had tried to evade his prying questions with a smile, but your lips barely even twitched. Through the glass of his glasses, it was painfully obvious that you had something massive to hide. So he stopped asking all together and walked the journey in silence. You were like an iceberg; icebergs were cold and ran deeper than the eye could perceive. Of course, Hyuuga didn't catch on early enough, and when he did, it might have been a little too late.

    That night was dark and ominous, and there was not a sound on the streets at midnight. Yet, Hyuuga tossed and turned restlessly. For some reason, he couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard he tried. After a couple more hours, he threw his sheets off harshly and shoved on his sneakers. He decided that a walk would do him some good, and possibly help him pack in at least a few hours of sleep before school. As the recent history test occupied his thoughts, he heard muffled cries and sounds coming from the nearby alleyway. As curiosity spikes, his feet moved on their own will as they increased in speed.

  The sight he was bestowed with was something he would never have predicted to witness at all. From the dim streetlight, he could make out a manly silhouette  crouched over a small body. From the angle he was watching from, his eyes could distinguish a face. A face he knew too well. The face belonged a girl that he swore to protect. Tears, dirt and blood were smeared across your face, but that wasn't the most terrifying of all. The most heart wrenching thing was your expression. Your eyes were dull and empty, as if you had given up on everything and everyone, yet your mouth was agape with silent screams escaping your thin lips. That fearful face you had when being chased could never amount to what Hyuuga was witnessing.

    Hyuuga's mind went blank, and when his conscience returns to him at last, he was sitting on top of a limp body with blood gushing out of his knuckles. That's when he heard soft muffled sobs ringing out in the narrow alleyway. He turns around to see you pushed against a wall with both hands covering your mouth. Just one look at your face, and something within him clicked instantly. He scrambled off the unmoving man and reached over to wrap his arms around your trembling body. There was nothing he could do but to be there for you as everything around you crumbled away. You cried and cried until exhaustion took over and pulled you into the depth of unconsciousness.

"He was my ex, Hyuuga-san. He'd been threatening to rape me ever since he forced me to become his girlfriend. He was very popular with the ladies, so they usually got jealous and would beat me too. That time when you helped defend me, that was all because of him. When I finally decided to break up with him, that's when he-"

  After you were admitted into the hospital, Hyuuga didn't visit you right away. Maybe it was the shock, or maybe it was because he couldn't see your face without feeling guilt. He had promised himself that he would protect you at any cost, yet you were violated and assaulted in the worst way possible. He couldn't possibly face you. However, once you woke up, you sent him a voicemail. As soon as he heard your voice, he couldn't suppress his emotions anymore. So he barrelled into the nearest train station and made his way over to see you. There was one thing on this mind, and that was you.

  You jumped as the door to your hospital room swung open. When you looked up from your book, you see Hyuuga's urgent face and you let out a small smile.

"Hyuuga-senpai. You finally came." you said with relief.

    His hand that was wrapped around the doorknob began to shake and he quickly made his way over to your side before pulling your head into his tight embrace. You melt into his arms and wrap your own around his waist as you breath in a whiff of his scent. You feel multiple warm droplets land on your forehead and your own eyes fill with tears.

"I'm so glad you're okay." 

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