Confrontations.(Akashi Seijuro)

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"I'll sub you out if you get in the way."

"You are all merely pawns, I will grasp this victory."

"When I am able to open the door on my own will, know that I've given up on all of you."

You shake your head slightly as you watch your boyfriend belittle his team once again. Whenever he did that, you couldn't help but let your heart sink in disappointment. The Akashi you knew wasn't anything like this. His way of playing basketball infuriated you, and you felt sympathy for his teammates.


Your fists clench together automatically as you had had enough of his ways. You slam down your clipboard on to the ground and the plastic shatters loudly. Everybody turns around in awe, even Akashi was rendered speechless for a moment.

"Is there a problem? (Your Name)?" He calls softly; completely in control of his emotions, unlike the rest of the team.

"I'm so sick of your attitude...Akashi. The way you treat your teammates! They are not your you even know how important team play is?! You never FUCKING listen to me, then what's the point in having me as a manager if you're going to ignore criticism? If this is how you really are,I quit!" You toss your pen on the ground and begin to storm out.

"A-Akashi...(Your Name)-chan was just upset...d..don't.." Reo stutters helplessly as he watches Akashi's eyes glisten with rage.

"Y-yeah! She probably didn't mean it!" Kotaro laughs nervously; attempting to calm his captain down.

"Keep practicing." He ignores their words and spits out an order harshly before turning his back to chase after you.

They all gulp and do as they are told, completely afraid of what could happen if they enraged the beast even more. All they could do was pray that you didn't get hurt. The team had grown fond of you as a manager, and no doubt, they agreed to what you had to say. Nobody had the guts to blow up on Akashi like that, and judging by his reaction, things didn't look very pretty.

As you climb down the stairs, your heart stinging with anger, you hear footsteps behind you and turn around to see Akashi right behind you. You weren't even surprised by how fast he caught up to you, considering the head start you had. You ignore him as you keep walking.

At that moment, you feel a grip on your wrist as he suddenly slams you against the wall; trapping you in between his arms. You don't even attempt to put up a fight, because you knew he was physically much stronger that you. He searches your eyes with his own demonically red ones before releasing his grip.

"I thought you were different (Your Name). But you're just like everybody else. Disobedient and disorderly." His words impale you deeply, but you had expected so much by going against his morales.

"I guess whatever we had was a joke then. Did you even care about how I felt?" You hiss under your breath as the tears threaten to fall.

He says nothing as he releases you from his threshold. He stands there for a few seconds, his face seemed sad for a second, but it hardens just as quickly. Akashi begins to walk back up towards the gym in silence.
"Seirin wins!!!! They defeated the undefeated!!"

  The crowd goes crazy as the final beeper signals the end of the match. The match was extremely close, but Rakuzan comes in second this time. You had attended the game, not as a manager, but as a supporter of the team. You were impressed with Seirin's ability to play with one another with the unwavering trust they shared. The win was well deserved, but you cannot help but feel your heart sink to your feet as you watch Akashi's face. A part of you wanted to bring him into a hug and congratulate him for his effort, but another part of you felt oddly satisfied that the cause of their downfall, was the one thing you had tried to emphasize to him.

  You take a step outside for a breather and lean against the railings as you allow the wind to cool your face down. As you close your eyes calmly, you feel another presence behind you and you turn around to see Akashi standing a few steps away from you; still in his basketball jersey. He stares into your eyes for a few minutes before looking away with a face of content and closure. Something was different about his eyes, they weren't just pearl red, they weren't any hints of the colour that brought chills to everybody around him. He gives you a small smile as he extends a hand towards you gently.

"You were right (Your Name). Forgive" The fond nickname that he hadn't called you in years resurfaces, and you cannot help but swallow the large lump forming in your throat. It really had been a long time since he had openly called you 'love', and it felt strangely good.

  Those words reflect the regret and pain he had to withstand with the dual personalities that fought for dominance inside of him. You cannot help but let out the tears that you had kept in for so long. You run into his arms and wrap your arms around his neck. You feel his arms lacing around your waist as he returns the embrace. This was the Akashi you had fallen in love with, and after witnessing him struggle with himself, he had finally found the true self. He had escaped the shadow of dominance and embraced his true emotions.

"Akashi...welcome back." You sob into his shoulder.

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