Lovin' You.(Kiyoshi Teppei)

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-I just realised that I haven't written a oneshot for bae in such a long time. My husband needs some love okay?  I'm throwing in some christmas vibes because I have a great idea that I'm trying to develop for this oneshot book once Christmas approaches! I CANNOT WAIT TILL CHRISTMASSSSSSSS!Enjoy!-

   Basketball wasn't just Kiyoshi's forte, it was also yours. That was probably why you both got along so well. You were practically made for each other. The sport brought the two of you closer together, and it would never be something that you would be letting go of anytime soon. You respected your boyfriend's priorities, and vice versa. However, while basketball has it's perks; it is still one of the most dangerous sports to play. The one thing Kiyoshi didn't want happening to you was an injury that would leave you unable to enjoy the one thing that made you feel alive.

  You should have willingly pulled yourself out of the game to avoid what had happened, but you were just too stubborn to let your team play on without you. You wanted to win so badly that it blinded you to the point where you pushed yourself too far off your limits. You had been playing game after game with barely enough time to take a breather. You still remembered Kiyoshi begging you not to push yourself. But you hadn't listened to him, and you wished you had.


You went up for a three pointer in desperate hopes of achieving a perfect buzzer beater, and you had succeeded well. However, your victory was followed by a crushing pain in your right leg as you landed from the shot. The applause faded into yells and screams of shock as your body makes rough contact with the slick gym floor. The impact of the fall wasn't the pain that sent your head reeling back in a bloodcurdling scream. It was the throbbing convulsions that sent your body into spasms. You barely had enough strength to lift your head up to examine the source of your excruciating pain, let alone any juice left in you to stand back up again. Everything around you fades away as you could only hear your laboured breathing. You caught glimpses of the referee's assertive face before letting out another groan through your teeth as they lift you up on to a stretcher.

"(Your Name)...!" You heard a familiar voice gasp and turn your head to see Kiyoshi leaning over the moving stretcher.

"Teppei...I-I'm fine." You tried to reassure him with a smile, but the pain does not leave your eyes.

"I'm not that stupid (Your Name). I told you to be careful. Why didn't you listen to me?" 

Kiyoshi was never the kind of guy to raise his voice to you; no matter how mad he is. That was the first time you've seen him so angry. But despite his visible disappointment, not once did he let go of your hand.

  You were taken off the first string ever since the injury. It wasn't because you were lacking in skill. It was because you would not be able to go back to playing basketball for a long period of time, maybe even longer. You were devastated to hear that there was nothing anyone could do about your leg. You were even at a peak of depression where you would go on a hunger strike for weeks. However, Kiyoshi was always there for you. If it weren't for him, you would probably have ended up much worse. Maybe it was because he had experienced what you did, but he was the most determined to bring you back to the way you used to be. December was approaching, and it would be your first Christmas without the ability to walk properly.


"Look Teppei...snow." You murmur as you reach up to the small specks of white falling from the sky.

  You wobble dangerously as you accidentally lose your grip on your crutches. Luckily for you, Kiyoshi reacted just in time to catch you in his arms before helping you steady your balance. You lean against his warm chest as you inhale a whiff of his comforting scent. He wraps his long arms around you protectively before looking up at the sky himself.

"Teppei?" you murmur into his hoodie.

"Hmm?" he hums a soft reply.

"Thanks for putting up with me." you whisper as the emotional tears coil around your eyes before you squeeze them shut.

   Kiyoshi says nothing for a brief period of time as he processes your words slowly. His arms squeeze tighter as he rests his chin against your head. You practically feel the love radiate off of him.

"I'm not putting up with you. This is me loving you with all my heart."

Kuroko no Basket Imagines {Continued}.Where stories live. Discover now