You Defeat Them in An Exam. (GoM)

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  Kuroko had made a deal with you that if you got higher than him in the next test, that he would take you out for ice cream milkshakes. You really wanted to grasp this opportunity and had studied pretty hard for it.

"How much did you get (Your Name)-chan?" He asks as he watches you grip  your test tightly; hiding behind the piece of papers.

You then lower the sheets and Kuroko sees your happy smile accompanied by your red cheeks.

"I got a 100%! BOOM. KUROKO. You owe me a milkshake date!" You exclaim excitedly and Kuroko cannot help but smile back at you despite 'losing' his own challenge.

"Good job (Your Name)-chan. Let's go get some today. (Your Favorite Flavor).My treat."


  You had made a bet with Kise regarding test scores. If one of you gets higher than the other, the losing person would have to give the winning person a kiss. Naturally, you would never agree to a bet that you couldn't win. You didn't need to worry at all, because there was an upcoming test for (Your Best Subject's Name) and you could ace it without studying.

  When Kise comes up to you to compare score, you watch triumphantly as his face falls and he whines about it not being fair.

"(Your Name)-icchi..! This is so unfair! I wanted to receive a kiss from my beautiful girlfriend.." He mopes but pulls himself closer to give you a peck on the cheek. Since you were both at school, you had agreed to put the public display of affection to a minimum. Just as his lips were about to make contact with your cheek, you turn your head and give him a quick kiss to the lips; earning a surprised face from your blonde man.


(He defeats you in this one because why the fuck not LOL. Idk I like this version better than you winning so...enjoy?)

"Talk some fucking sense (Your Name). You know there is no way on earth I'd be able to PASS a test. Is this a joke?" He scoffs as you put forth the idea of a challenge. You should have known that the only challenges that he accepted were all related to basketball and sports. Luckily, you knew how to speak in his language.

"Fine. I guess you won't be needing to see this anytime soon." You pull out a sexy dark blue monokini from your backpack and wave it at him quickly before stuffing it back in so you wouldn't get into trouble. Aomine immediately shakes your hand as his face lights up with determination.

"You got yourself a deal. I'll win this..just you wait." He smirks and drops a kiss on the back of your hand and you thought that you were finally able to get him to study for once as you shake his hand back.

"I win. See you at the beach at 4." He announces quickly as he slams down his test on your table for you to see. Your mouth drops open as you see that he had gotten nothing wrong. This wasn't an improvement, this was practically magic.

"Hey Aomine? How the hell did you get a 100% in that test?" You ask as he cuddles you while you both bask in the afternoon sun on the beach after class.

"Easy. I wrote all the answers on my hand."


  You had been acting quite strangely throughout the whole day. It wasn't because you had anything to hide from your red-haired boyfriend. Well, maybe you did. You crumble up the previous test you had taken and try to get rid of it before your boyfriend could find out. You had asked about his mark, and he had gotten full marks with ease. However, you had gotten a little higher than him because you had got the bonus question correct. Usually, your teacher made the  bonus question extremely difficult, but maybe it was a miracle that you happened to know the answer. You didn't know what Akashi would do if he found out that he was not on top of the class with this time's result. He was an extremely competitive person, and you didn't want him to get upset with you.Just as you begin to shove the paper in the bin, you turn around and see your boyfriend standing right behind you with his arms crossed.

"(Your Name). What are you hiding from me?" He asks calmly as his eyes burn into your sockets.

"U-Um..nothing?" You stutter and he remains unconvinced. He takes the paper from your hands and you cringe as he looks at the test with his usual composed face. He then crumbles it back up and tosses it into the bin perfectly.

"Well well (Your Name). You've finally gotten a good mark for once. To celebrate, I'm taking you out somewhere fancy tonight. I'll pick you up at 8."  He smiles as he adds a hint of smite into his words, but you don't mind because you can't change this side of him.

"Sounds good."


"No way."

"I got higher than you."


"I aced that test, too bad you didn't."


  Midorima clicks his tongue in annoyance as he realizes that he had agreed to a horrible bet that cornered him into losing. You had secretly taken his lucky pencil and aced the test perfectly. Midorima was off by a single mark. He suddenly reaches over and pinches your cheeks painfully with his bandaged fingers.

"That's just cheating (Your Name). It doesn't count!" He argues desperately and you try to talk with your mouth being held apart.

"iet as feer...chu use iet af da tif..!(It is use it all the time!)" You struggle to talk with his fingers still pulling your cheeks hard.

"I use it merely for confirmation!" He demands exasperatedly.

"Still a bet is a bet. I won. I never said how you had to win. There were no rules. Didn't you say you were a man of your word? Or are you just a wussy carrot?" You answer triumphantly as he finally lets go of your cheeks. You rub the throbbing sensation away as you watch his face burn deep red before he pulls up a book to cover both your faces as he gives you a quick and small kiss.


"Ehhhhhhh...(Your Name)-chin....that's not fair. I'm not good at tests..." He yawns as you propose that you make a deal with the upcoming physics test.

"Come on Atsushi! You're good at physics anyway! Let's have a friendly competition. Oh I know! I'll give you this if you agree to play the game." You grab a lollipop out of your backpack and dangle it on front of his face as you bribe him.

"Finee..." He moans as he links his pinky finger with you for a promise.

  You do end up getting higher than he does, and he agrees passively to give you a piggy back ride all the way home. In the end, you end up getting embarrassed because everyone was staring at you guys like you were crazy. That's when you realize that the tables had turned, but Atsushi didn't seem to mind because he got to eat his favorite lollipop while doing so.

Kuroko no Basket Imagines {Continued}.Where stories live. Discover now