Crush.(Kise Ryouta)

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-I haven't given much love to this blonde in a very long time. You're welcome KISE fans~ This is based on a true situation that I have experienced just recently with my senpai so I was inspired to turn it into a fan fiction plot. For those who truly know me, I did mention a while back that he reminded me of Kise. LOL anyway..ENJOY!-

  Ever since that day you encountered Kise Ryouta, you had developed a crush on him. Of course, you never told anybody but your closest friends, and nothing was going to happen between the two of you. It was painful hearing about him having new girlfriends and such, but there was something even more agonizing than that. It was the fact that you had to keep your feelings mustered up deep inside you without a single output for you to turn to. A part of you wanted him to know how you felt about him, yet another part of you feared the rejection and awkwardness.

"You know you should just tell him how you feel." (Your Best Friend) mumbles with she turns her attention back to her sandwich.

"You know I can't do that..." You sigh as you push around your greens from your plate.

"Why the hell not?! Like who cares if he doesn't like you back. I could never just keep it to myself and suffer with it until he fades. I think it's best for you to just tell him and find closure!" (Your Best Friend) frowns before you hear the bell go off in the cafeteria.

  You think about what she/he had said as you gather your books before sitting down for class. Everyday after that, the little nagging voice grew and grew until you finally decided that you should just follow your heart and confess. Now here you were, wondering what on earth you had gotten yourself into as you shuffle from foot to foot waiting for him to show up. You had asked him in private to meet you after class, and he had agreed without question. Maybe he was so used to girls pulling him out, that it didn't even phase him anymore. You hoped that he wasn't annoyed with you. That would just complicate things.

"Hey (Your Name)-icchi. You wanted to talk? What's up?" You hear his voice and turn around as you try to tame your hot cheeks. You clear your throat and grab the helm of your skirt tightly before opening your mouth to talk.

"I-I don't know how to say this, but I'm just going to get it over with. I like you Kise. I've liked you for two years in fact. I know you'll probably reject me and I was so afraid that would happen all this time. However, I've come to think that it's actually okay if you do." You look him in the eye as you try not to break.

"(Your Name)-icchi..." He begins, but the look on his face didn't seem too happy. In fact, you knew this look pretty well. The look of pity and guilt.

"I know this is probably weird and so off-putting. I'm just tired of holding all of this to myself. Again, I'm sorry. I don't want it to become awkward between us. I think you deserve to know, and I deserve to find the closure." You nod as you avert your eyes, trying not to let your emotions get the best of you. You knew you were strong, and you were going to stay that way.

"I just want you to know that I'm not a nice guy. People aren't as nice as they seem to be. You're different compared to everyone else." He starts and you cannot help but smile and relax as you hear his voice. It was just something about him that made you happy, no matter what he was talking about.

" that a good or bad thing..because that is really vague." You smile and Kise gives you a fond smile too.

"You're unlike any girl I've met, and it's a good thing. I just don't want to hurt you or make you cry. I'm not a nice person..and you are." His eyes flicker with a darkness you've never seen, but it quickly disappears.

"I'm not a nice person Kise. Nobody is totally nice to begin with. I honestly don't care about your ability to hurt me. I'm not some innocent and naive girl that expects everything from love. I know you don't believe in lasting relationships, but I don't care about it. I'm honestly okay with you not liking me in that sense, but you've never even given be a proper rejection. What do you feel for me?" You ask firmly as you watch his eyes waver.

"I don't know (Your Name). I don't know." He whispers and you hang your head before biting your lip.

  You then bring your hand up for him to shake with a genuine smile on your face. You shake his warm hand as he gazes into your eyes silently.

"That's okay Kise. Thanks for being so open and understanding." You whisper before turning around to walk away.

  You ignore the burning pain that was setting in and focus on the warming feeling of closure that overpowered anything else. Before you know it, you find yourself smiling as you realize that you were able to let go of all those troubling feelings. The fact that he couldn't give you a clear answer did hurt you, but sometimes it was okay to leave things as a mystery. Kise watches painfully as you walk away, if only he was worthy of your love and kindness.


Dear Readers,

Call me stupid for confessing to him, but I honestly feel like I've done the right thing by telling him. I feel free and free of burdens. He never even rejected me, but I don't think he'll tell me how he feels anytime soon. STILL..give me props for confessing to a senpai and making him feel something for me. I'm sorry about the lack of updates nowadays, but I'm extremely stressed out with school because my grades are slipping. I actually got handed back a failed physics test today and I just felt so disappointed in myself. I don't know what to do right now, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. After all, life goes on and I just have to accept the grade and try better next time. Always look forward you guys.



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