Death Row.(Makoto Hanamiya)

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   You've watched countless number of medical TV shows, yet you never would have imagined that hospital life was nothing like them in real life. The meddling love triangles, the love affairs and the intense surgical miracles never happened under your watch. If you were being totally honest, you probably expected that saving lives came with those perks. Instead, sometimes, the ER was one of the most boring places to be. Nothing exciting happened besides cuts that needed stitches and a couple of broken bones that needed casting. You let out a yawn that you had tried to suppress for the last couple of hours; totally oblivious to the fact that your life was about to change.

  At that moment, the ER door bursts open and you shoot up before grabbing your stethoscope. A man is strapped down into the bed with handcuffs, and you know that this case wasn't going to be a fun one. You help the paramedics push the stretcher and lift him on to the examining bed. As you do so, you notice the multiple stab wounds in his lower torso and back. He must have lost consciousness from the blood loss, but you feel him twitch as you stick your finger into the wound to check it's depth. Usually you would expect some screaming at this point, but he remained strangely quiet and calm. 

"He's a 25 year old convicted killer on death row that got multiple lacerations from a knife." The paramedics read out his stats and situation before leaving the medical team to do their job.

"Can you please tell us your name?" You ask assertively as your hands move fast and efficiently to stop the bleeding.

"Makoto Hanamiya." He answers almost immediately before giving you a malicious grin.

"Makoto. You'll need surgery for those wounds. We're going to take you to the OR now." You answer him as you try your best to ignore the shiver that was running up your spine.

"I'm on a death row anyway, why don't you just let me die? Death sounds nice." He winces a little as you pierce him with the needle extra harshly.

"There are people fighting for their lives in this hospital, and you're here telling me that your life has no meaning anymore. A life is still a life and you should fucking get some balls and live to see through your execution. I don't know what you did to end up in prison, but I'm going to make sure you live through this surgery to pay for what you've done." You hiss angrily as you pump the anaesthetic through his IV. You look down at his face with a glare as you watch the drugs slowly taking effect.

"What a great doctor you are." He giggles before his body goes slack. 


"How are you feeling?" You smirk as you take a glance at his chart after the nurse alerts you of his awakening.

"You fucking bitch." He whispers coarsely before wincing at the movement of his chest.

"Your surgery was a success, you will be discharged in about a week." You ignore his blatant insult and turn around after checking his fluids.

"Please." His sudden change of character startles you, and you turn around to face his desperate face.

  If this was a TV drama, you would have gone and put him out of his misery. You would have given him an overdose on morphine and let him fall into an eternal sleep. But this was reality, and things were different in the real world. You shouldn't have walked away with that heavy heart. Because sometimes, substantiality can be as equally destructable as abstraction. 

January 12th.

That was his execution date.


Dear Readers,

Ugh I'm not pleased with this oneshot, but I was already too far into this fan fiction to back out. I'm sorry if it sucks ass. I have those kind of days too.



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