Kise Ryouta(The Christmas Present)

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After a delightfully pleasant dinner with your boyfriend last night, you both went to bed as soon as you hit the sheets. Despite the fact that you both spent the whole day having fun and enjoying your christmas eve, you both came home tired. Even having fun took up a lot of energy. You wake up first to the sound of birds chirping outside your window. The blinding sun takes your eyesight away for a brief second, which caused you to squint comically. You untangle yourself from Kise's body as carefully as you can, but the slight movement causes him to stir from his sweet slumber.

"Sorry. Did I wake you?" you whisper apologetically as you run your hand along his cheek before lowering your lips to it to give him some morning affection.

"'s fine. Did you sleep well?" His husky morning voice causes your heart to flutter.

"Yep! Oh! Merry Christmas Kise." You laugh softly as he pulls you back under the warm duvet.

"Merry Christmas (Your Name)." He hums back as he nuzzles into the crook of your neck.

"Are you going to wake up now? I want you to open my present as soon as possible." You pull on his shoulder and shake it a little with a cheeky grin.

"Hmm? I thought we agreed not to buy each other gifts." He mumbles into his pillow with a small frown and you hop out of bed and run downstairs to the tree before pulling out a small wrapped gift.

You watch Kise's face light up in surprise as you hand him the gift almost shyly. He opens the homemade card first and you cannot help but burn bright red at how childish your card looked. Art was never your forte, but you still tried your best. Kise let's out another one of his harmonious laughs before pinching your cheek affectionately. He then unwraps his gift carefully and this time...his eyes spark up. He pulls out the custom made hoop studs that you had prepared a few weeks in advanced. To the ordinary eye, it would look like just any random ear piercing piece, but if you look at it carefully enough, you can see his name engraved in cursive.

"Wow. (Your Name)-icchi! This is amazing! Thank you!" He exclaims with joy before pulling you into his arms before hugging you tightly.

"Well I was going to get all emotional later..but..Kise Ryouta..thank you for loving me." you grin gleefully before averting your gaze shyly.

"(Your Name)....icchi..." his voice weakens and you look up to see tears coiling in his eyes.

"Kise?! Are you crying?!"

"WAHHHH! Of course I am!!!"

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