•They React to 1M•

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 -Thank you guys for 1M on my second KnB oneshot series!!! I can't believe you guys have given me so much support throughout my years on wattpad. I hope you guys have been seeing development in my writing, I promise to improve even more in the future! Enjoy!-

"GUYS! GUESS WHAT?!" Winnie busts into the room before shoving her phone into each and every person consecutively.

"IS IT BOOBS? Oh wait, why are you showing me your stupid wattpad page?" Aomine groans as he resumes to flipping through his sensual magazines.

"What does 1M mean?" Murasakibara yawns before rubbing his eyes slowly. It seems your enthusiasm ended up waking him up from one of his afternoon naps.

"It means she hit 1 million reads on her fan-fiction book about you." (Your Name) sighs before motioning Winnie towards the couch. 

  Winnie gives you a big smile before wrapping her arms around you for a comforting hug.  She then proceeds to scroll through the comments left on her page and on her most recent stories. It must be weird having so many people reading her work, but she's probably used to it by now.

  At that moment, you hear the front door open to the penthouse and turn around to see Akashi dressed in a pleasant suit. His face looks tired though, and there are bags under his eyes. He plops his book bag on the ground next to his lounge desk before turning around to scowl at his previous team members.

"Why are you guys always here? I always ask myself who's house this really is." he grumbles before running a hand through his demonically red locks.

"Because you love us?" Kise giggles through a pocky stick balanced between his lips, and when you give him a warning look he throws you a careless wink. This boy is scared of nothing when it comes down to Akashi.

"We're leaving in a bit anyway, we're celebrating tonight!" Winnie whoops before throwing her arms around (Your Name) again. "My treat!"

"Wait what? Where are we going? I have so much homework to do, nanodayo." Midorima grimaces at Winnie's loud cheering.

"Does that look like my fuckin' problem?" Winnie sticks her tongue out at Midorima and you can't help but laugh. Her relationship with him was interesting to say the least. They never really got along, but seemed close at the same time.

"You do realize that you got this 'popular' because of us right?" Aomine snorts before throwing a pillow at Kuroko who was casually drinking his vanilla milkshake across the room. He doesn't say anything to complain, instead he throws it straight back into Aomine's face with so much force that you can't help but guffaw with laughter.

"Well, I guess writing porn about you guys did pay off." Winnie grins evilly.

"Winnie, no." Kuroko shuts her down completely, and Winnie cannot help but pout.

  The breeze is kind of chilly but comforting at the same time. The weather has been getting kind of cold lately as winter starts to shift in. It's the perfect weather to hang out outside with friends, which is exactly what you end up doing. You run your finger along the condensation of the can in your hands as you watch the boys mess around at the bonfire. Maybe you fancy one of them a little, but Winnie doesn't need to know that. Winnie's always going to be here for me, that's for certain. She gives you a dimpled grin before tilting her head to adjust her hair. She rubs her side-shave goofily before plopping down next to you with her own drink balanced between her hands. 

"Thanks (Your Name)." she mumbles with a genuine smile growing on her lips. Her eyes grow moist as if she's getting emotional.

"For what?" you ask curiously as it's now your turn to tilt your head.

"For your endless support and love." she whispers under her breath. "Thank you for everything."


Salute Cadets! *dives into a sea of textbooks*

  I would like to take this opportunity to thank you guys for sticking with this book and with me for this incredible journey. It's definitely another milestone that we conquered together. If it weren't for your support, I don't know where I would be today. I literally had such a great time in the two years that I've been here. Writing for you guys and improving my writing has been such great fun. You guys make me so happy and grateful for life. I can't fathom the fact that I have been receiving such unconditional love and support from all of you. I lowkey feel like I don't deserve it because there is no way I can match what you guys do for me. Once again, thank you guys. Really, I appreciate all of you from the bottom of my heart.

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line: sollylepoop

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