Eyesight.(Kise Ryouta)

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-Enjoy! I'm sorry if it's crappy!-

The sense of sight was something most people take for granted. It was a magnificent thing which were gifted to almost every living thing from birth. However, there are those who are blessed, and those who are cursed. You still remember being able to open your eyes and see the faces of the ones you loved. Now the only way you could have them in your mind, was to recall everyone's faces.you had to rely heavily on your other senses to make sense of the vast world. Ever since the accident that cost you your eyes, Of course, as time passes, people change physically as well as mentally.

Gradually, everybody in your life faded away from you. You didn't blame them, it got tiring and troublesome for you most of the time, so you didn't expect anyone to want to deal with that too. Sometimes you wondered if anyone would stay by your side, but you knew that that would just tie them down to something inescapable. You were proven wrong by Kise, the one person that had promised never to leave your side since childhood.

"Kise?" You call out as you feel his guiding and protective hands looped through your arm.

"Hmm?" He hums a reply that was laced with curiosity.

"Why aren't you giving up on me?" You ask softly, and you immediately feel his footsteps cease and he comes to a halt.

You feel soft hands grab ahold of your shoulders softly, you could recognise these hands anywhere. his soft and subtle fingers glide along your cheek fondly and you cannot help but nuzzle into his cupped hand.

"Because I love you (Your Name)." He replies with a straightforward tone, and you wondered what his face looked like at that moment.

You feel the tears beginning to coil as they drip down your cheeks in silence. You wipe them away quickly as you were embarrassed for him to see you cry like that. On the contrary, he bends down and places his lips on your eyelids and wraps his arms around you protectively. He was so warm and smelt as beautiful as he was.


"Doctor! Are you sure!?" Your parents exclaim as you were still in shock from what he had just suggested.

"The operation is possible..yes..but it may come with risks and we cannot guarantee success." His voice resonates in your ears and your mouth opens immediately.

"I'll do it." You call out with almost a pleading tone.

"B-but (Your Name)-" Your mother begins, but you shake your head.

"I'm going to take the chances. I want to see again." You whisper and your parents are rendered speechless, they had nothing else to say.

"We'll schedule the operation in a few days, until then, I think you should be admitted to the hospital right away. We need to run a series of tests on you for pre-op." His words drill into your head, and you nod.

The nurses and doctors were kind to you. However, you hadn't told Kise about the operation. Mainly because you didn't want him to think that you were doing it for him. Of course, you were tired of holding him back from the normal future he deserved, but you also wanted to see the world again. It has been a very long time after all. However, all you could think about was Kise. As they prepared you for surgery, the fear ebbed away as you pictured his young face in your mind. Soon, you hoped to be able to see his face when you wake up again.

Kise bursts into the room panting as he had received a phone call from your parents, saying that you were in the hospital. They didn't tell him what was going on or what had happened, but he had gotten himself over almost at the speed of light as soon as he had heard the news, even cancelling the photoshoot he was to have that day. You were his priority.

"Kise? Why are you breathing so heavily?" You call as you awake from the big commotion; your voice sounded surprisingly weak, but you were alive.

"(Your Name)! What happened to your eyes? Oh god, did you have another accident?" He bombards you with concerned questions and you just halt him as he slips his hand into yours.

"I'll explain later. For now...I want to sleep." You murmur tiredly, and you feel his hand squeeze yours softly.

"Okay (Your Name). I'll be here when you awake."


Kise was ushered back to work as his agent was furious with him, even threatening him that he would lose his job if he didn't get his act together. Kise had promised to come back in a few days, but his schedule was so packed that he could only make it after a week. Maybe god was on your side, because that was when you would get the wretched bandaged off your eyes. Time flew by so fast, that you didn't even see it coming.

It was blurry, everything was so blurry, but you had regained your eyesight after a few hours of light exposure. Everything was so beautiful, you thought about how you would never take it for granted again as the happy tears begin to coil. At that exact moment, the door opens and you automatically turn to Kise. He had matured over these years, he had grown taller and even more handsome. Kise looks up from the bouquet of flowers to meet your eyes, and at that moment, his face contorts into a shocked one. The flowers drop to the ground as he stands there while you smile at him with tears streaming down your face.

"You're as handsome as ever Ryouta." You say.

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