Vibrations.(Makoto Hanamiya LEMON)

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"You've been a very very bad girl (Your Name)." You hear his low voice resonate in the room as you stay completely still on the bed with your hands bound above you.

You say nothing, not because you don't want to, more of because you can't. Your mouth begins to ache as the gag ball straps dug into your cheeks. Saliva dribbled down the corner of your mouth as you breath heavily.

Makoto had blindfolded you and all you had to rely on was your other senses. He trails something across your thighs as he spreads your legs. Based on your sense of touch, it was a texture of soft rubber. You let out a muffled yelp as he places the mysterious object on your region.

"You're so wet (Your Name)." He purrs and you hear the smirk in his voice.


You jolt upwards involuntarily as the vibrations suddenly occur, making your whole body tremble in pleasure.

"Do you like that?" He growls as he begins to move the hilt of the vibrator deeper inside your walls, making you buck your hips even farther as you let out a series of pleads of mercy.

As he holds the vibrator with one hand, he uses the other to grab on to your breast. He dips his head up and licks your nipple savagely, earning more yelps from you.

As your womb retracts for an orgasm, Makoto turns it off swiftly, earning a helpless whine from your lips.

"Do you want more?" He teases swiftly as you hear the unbuckling of his belt.

You nod under his control and you hear his chilling laughter as he clicks the vibrator on again, but this time it sounded louder.

You feel him reach up and tug off your blindfold roughly.

"I want to see your sad little face while I fuck you." He whispers sadistically and you adjust your eyesight to see him completely bare like you were. His long fully awake snake pulsed with blood as he pulls your hips closer to him.

He slams into you without warning and begins to thrust in and out in an agonizingly slow pace.

"Mmmmmm!!!" You scream in fustration and pleasure as you look him in the eye.

"Should I let you scream my name (Your Name)-chan?" He asks and you nod a little.

He smiles at you with mad passion as he undoes your gag ball.

As soon as he does so, he begins to thrust again, but this time, he holds the vibrator at the highest level on to your clitoris, making you jolt up again.

"Ahhh!!" You squeal as Makoto bites into your neck, leaving a lingering pain.

He then lifts your body up with ease and slips underneath and turns you around so your back was facing him. He shoves himself into you again, but this time holding both your thighs outwards in mercy as he makes you ride him.

"Ah! Ah!Ah!" You groan as he hits your g-spot mercilessly, the vibrator making your sanity dissemble inside you.

Your whole body screams for a release and you know Makoto is close too, as his thrusts grew sloppier by the minute. He thrusts into you harder and faster until your bosoms were bouncing up and down. Then he pushes in one last time and buries his seed within you. You come right after he does and Makoto groans in pleasure as he witnesses your walls contracting over his member.

He doesn't pull out, in fact, he begins to thrust into you again.

By the time he was done, you both had orgasmed multiple times, almost causing you to faint from exhaustion.

" seems like you're at your limit." He chuckles and finally pulls out for good.

"You're such a dirty slut (Your Name)."

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